Chemical CCNL: news on welfare 2020

Agreement on contractual welfare for the chemical industry sector signed by Federchimica Farmindustria and Let's see what it foresees and what changes

Fisco e Tasse – 23 luglio 2019

On 15 July 2019, FEDERCHIMICA, FARMINDUSTRIA, FILCTEM-CGIL, FEMCA-CISL and UILTEC-UIL signed an additional agreement to the renewal dated 18.7.2018 national collective bargaining agreement chemical industrial companies  (effective from 01.01.2019 to 06.30.2022) , in which defined the details on the additional contribution intended for contractual welfare from January 2020 in favor of the workers to whom the aforementioned collective agreement applies. It is, remember:

Con l’ipotesi di accordo del  18 luglio 2018 le Parti avevano deciso di destinare al welfare contrattuale, from January 2020, the following amounts of the remuneration useful for the purposes of calculating the severance pay:

The destination had to be identified by the Parties by December 2019 with the distinction between:

The FONCHIM supplementary pension fund (which provides an additional supplementary pension with respect to the compulsory INPS one) e

The FASCHIM supplementary health care fund (through which you can have free or reduced-cost healthcare services for yourself and your family nucleus with an additional contribution).
Con l’accordo sottoscritto la scorsa settimana  le Parti hanno stabilito che from January 2020 the share equal to 0.1% of the salary useful for calculating the severance indemnity, paid by the company will be divided as follows:

Also from January 2020 there will be an increase of € 1.00 per month, to be paid by the worker of the contribution to Faschim (which goes from € 3 to € 4).

It is worth remembering that the contractual funds have an apparently invisible but absolutely significant added value. In fact, the contractual nature of these funds allows the operational collaboration of the companies, which carry out all the contribution operations and the related tax deductions. Each employee, once he has decided to register, only has to sign the registration form. From that moment it can  check your position on the website, read the annual account statement and communications sent periodically to members.

There predecease insurance coverage   in favor of all Fonchim members, it is activated in the event of predecease or disability, and is fully financed by the companies with an additional contribution equal to 0.2% (0.25 from 2020) of the salary valid for the purposes of calculating the severance pay.

Per iscritto al Fondo si intende l’associato che, oltre a quote di Tfr maturando, versi a Fonchim una contribuzione a proprio carico almeno nella misura minima prevista dai C.C.N.L. di appartenenza.

The sense of insurance is integrate the payments not made by the worker from the moment of death or disability until the completion of the 60th year of age. The basis for calculating the indemnity is the gross annual salary (RAL) received by the Insured in the last 12 months prior to the event. In the absence of a full year's salary, reference is made to the average of the months received by the Insured compared to the year.

Further information on the management of the supplementary contractual funds in the chemical sector is available on the websites and

Notizie correlate: Il testo sull’Agreement on Welfare CCNL

The Communiqué

Milan, 15 July 2019 – The planned meeting between trade unions and Federchimica-Farmindustria was held with the representatives of the sectoral funds Fonchim and Faschim, for an examination of their economic-financial and management performance.

From the data presented, a constant growth trend of members emerges which confirms the appreciation by the workers of the quality of the services offered by the funds, at very low management costs.

Fonchim this year exceeded 160,000 members, with assets of 6.5 billion euros; while Faschim, with the enrollment of family members as well, reached 216,000 with a total reimbursement for the services used in 2018 of 42 million euros.

The insurance fund for premature death and permanent disability has also highlighted its importance for workers, reaching 96% of the claims/premiums ratio, for a total collected in the three-year period 2016-18 of almost 34 million euros.

These important results are mainly the result of an advanced industrial relations system, which has chosen to enhance the role of the contractual parties, i.e. the business and trade union associations, which can best represent the needs of workers in the sector, aiming at direct management in alternative to a prevailing tendency to rely on third parties, especially insurance companies.

Possible critical issues were also addressed during the meeting, with the aim of improving the relationship and methods of communication between the activities of the funds and the requests of the workers.

Furthermore, concerns arose about the possible interventions that to some extent have occurred in parliament, and which could heavily modify the current operational and financial conditions of the supplementary health funds, impacting on the services provided to workers.

Following the meeting, and in compliance with the provisions of the renewal of the 2019-21 chemical-pharmaceutical CCNL on the consolidation of the sectoral funds, it was agreed between Filctem, Femca, Uiltec and Federchimica and Farmindustria that starting from January 2020 the 0.1% to be paid by companies is divided into two installments, allocating 0.05% to the increase in the Fonchim rate for predecease and permanent disability, proportionally improving the benefits. The remaining 0.05%, equal to 1.5 euros, will instead be used to increase the monthly contribution for Faschim members.

Also from January 2020, and as contractually already foreseen, there will be an increase of 1 euro in the monthly contribution paid by workers enrolled in Faschim.

The National Secretariats


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