How has Europe handled the Covid pandemic? The word to the Europeans

Health crisis, economic collapse and extreme restrictions on daily life

Durante la pandemia di Covid i governi di tutto il mondo hanno dovuto affrontare contemporaneamente tre sfide senza precedenti. Ma i leader europei sono stati all’altezza del compito? In collaborazione con i sondaggisti di Redfield e Wilton Strategies, Euronews ha chiesto il parere dei cittadini di quattro Paesi.

As for the overall handling of the pandemic, only in Britain do a majority think their government is taking the right steps, with over 56% responding so. Opinions are more evenly divided in Italy: 41% answered like the British, the same percentage said no to the Rome management and 18% abstained. The perception of the Germans is more or less similar, while more than one French out of two has a negative view of the response in Paris.


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