Filctem press release: ISFs must be included in the first phase of Covid-19 vaccinations

"In line with our idea of the value of the ISF role, which has already been demonstrated several times, we deem it useful to ask that the audience of personnel primarily to be vaccinated includes - fully - including that of medical and scientific informants"

The National and Territorial Filctem Cgil of Milan believes that scientific research is an essential tool for the progress and enhancement of the human being. We take sides without delay on the side of science with particular gratitude to those who have made it possible to have vaccination available so quickly in history.

The pandemic has created inconvenience, difficulties, problems at all levels, but if possible, it has hit the world of work with unprecedented virulence.

Among the most exposed categories, since last March, the beginning of the restrictions envisaged by the government to protect public health, there are drug sales representatives and traveling technical personnel who work in medical-health facilities.

Workers and workers, who due to the specificity of their profession have undergone a substantial change in their job, in order to change the contagion curve.

The Filctem of Milan, also to give a contribution to the national discussion, last June, after a discussion with the Rsu ISF, on the 9th, had articulated a certain precise public position, aimed at expressing its concern about the possibility that remote medical information, used by companies during the emergency, became the norm and was considered a new frontier for the role of the ISF. This political position was in fact supported by the National Secretariat in the official meeting venues held subsequently, sharing it with the other players in the field, an element that helped to bring about the discussion on the merits, finding with most of the companies in the sector that insist on throughout the national territory, elements of reflection such as not to allow the impoverishment of the role of these fundamental professionals from a health perspective.

Ora, riteniamo utile portare l’attenzione di tutti gli attori e delle lavoratrici e lavoratori interessati, un ulteriore spunto di riflessione. Se il COVID ha interrotto, o reso più difficoltose le relazioni Isf- medico, impedendone spesso il contatto face to face, in coerenza con la nostra idea di valore del ruolo ISF, già più volte manifestata, riteniamo utile chiedere che nella platea di personale prioritariamente da vaccinare rientri – a pieno titolo – anche quella degli informatori medico scientifici e del personale tecnico. Alcune regioni si sono mosse in tal senso ma è opportuna una regia nazionale che ponga l’accento sul tema anche nel confronto con gli enti locali.

La filiera Isf – medico – paziente rimane lo schema più ampio di tutela della salute dei cittadini e delle cittadine e ridurrebbe al minimo i rischi per la salute di operatori, già fin troppo esposti al pericolo di contagio fin qui.

Proponiamo questo ragionamento, non per avvallare inaccettabili “classifiche” fra lavoratori e lavoratori, ma, anzi, per fare in modo che la diffusione dell’informazione al personale medico e/o della manutenzione delle attrezzature sanitarie – anche complesse – avvenga in sicurezza e nell’ottica di garantire una cura migliore e più capillare per tutti, in un momento in cui è assolutamente necessario anche il ritorno immediato alla normalità di cure ed interventi chirugici delle malattie non-Covid.

National chemical-pharmaceutical department and territorial secretariat of Milan Rome, 8 January 2021



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