Give Lea to the drugs

The unfinished mosaic of Healthcare

La partita da 800 milioni per i nuovi Lea (livelli essenziali di assistenza) che in attesa di un via libera definitivo del decreto lascia ancora tutti in fibrillazione. I contratti e le convenzioni per medici e personale in alto mare. Le regole della manovra 2017 per farmaci oncologici e innovativi da applicare. Le nomine in ballo all’Aifa e al ministero.

Those laws that are indispensable for the system, and for the categories, which risk never seeing the light in Parliament in this legislature. And if that weren't enough, relations with the regions that remain unsettled in many ways, starting with the stability of the funding, despite the Renzian wing of the governors, at least before the crisis, was certainly not a minority. There really is enough to understand how much, with the budget law, the health system is an unfinished puzzle.

All the more so now, with a government that has resigned and a different one that will take over, which risks still slowing down processes to be quickly concluded. With that plus the possible replacement of Beatrice Lorenzin in the seat of Minister of Health at Lungotevere Ripa. Change of guard also in the programs, provided that the new government had a mandate and a duration that was not very short-lived?

Fimmg – 09/12/2016

Related news: Maneuver 2017, the measures for medicines, with the farewell to the pro-rural amendments

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