The letter has been SENT to AIFA with a request for clarification on the new CCNL in which radical changes have been introduced in VIOLATION of the LAW to the DUTIES of the ISFs.

Dear Colleagues, Dear Colleagues,
the letter with a request for clarification on the new CCNL, published on our site for the collection of signatures, è stata inviata oggi ai Dottori Ivan Pruni, Gabriel Angelello and to the doctor Sabrina Giacomelli of theUIMS extension – Ufficio Informazione Medico Scientifica dell’AIFA.
Also the National Secretary FEDERAISF Richard Bevilacqua he invited the‘UIMS Of AIFA to esprimersi  sulla compatibilità del profilo dell’ISF, contenuto nel nuovo CCNL Chimico-Farmaceutico, con le normative di legge vigenti nel nostro Paese.