Emilia Romagna. ISF activity recovery protocol. The note of Fedaiisf Emilia Romagna

We hereby follow up on the first indications given with note PG/2020/0217059 of 03/12/2020 to deal with the Coronavirus emergency (COVID-19) in the territory of our Region. With the aforementioned note, the suspension of scientific information activities on drugs and medical devices that were not of an urgent nature related to the safety of use of specific products, applicable in the first instance until 30 April 2020, was ordered.

It is now possible to overcome the aforementioned indications by applying the Protocol for the resumption of scientific information activity attached to this document, divided into two distinct periods: from 04 May to 08 June 2020 and from 9 June onwards, unless new indications should become necessary.

The protocol was shared with the "Working group on scientific information within the SSR" following the meeting that took place by videoconference on 30 April 2020, where all those present agreed that the only possible way, at the moment, to restart the scientific information activity is the one illustrated in the short attached Protocol.

The Directorates are invited to disseminate this note to all health professionals including GPs, PLS, specialist doctors affiliated with both the SSR structures and the accredited private sector.



o Meetings can be organized remotely, by telephone or by videoconference, both with 1-to-1 connections and with collective connections (with several doctors simultaneously connected);

o We share the idea of leaving maximum freedom to the parties on the organization of these meetings regarding the way in which appointments are fixed and the technological tools to be used. The recommended method may be the one that involves the following steps:

  1. The area rep/promoter sends a proposal for a videoconference meeting with relative connection instructions to their institutional e-mail address (generally available on company websites);
  2. the choice of connection tools must be based on maximum simplicity of application and must not involve the need for professionals employed or affiliated with the SSR to download programs or subscribe to platforms;
  3. the professional can accept the proposal but is not obliged to provide an answer or propose changes;

from 09 June 2020

Transitional and simple registration procedures on a single regional platform are being evaluated for all informants/promoters who carry out or intend to carry out their work at the structures and professionals of the SSR, pending the adoption of the management application for the entire scientific information/promotion activity which is under development. Any information and procedures will be made available on the website indicated below.

Any changes or updates to this protocol will be promptly made available on the site indicated below;


Note from the Emilia Romagna Fedaiisf coordination

Dear colleagues,
è doveroso sottolineare che la ripartenza attraverso i contatti “da remoto” rappresenta un risultato, per nulla scontato, in questo momento di fase 2 Covid-19 , frutto del lavoro del Coordinamento Regionale Emilia Romagna Fedaiisf e dei sindacati di noi ISF che con Fedaiisf siedono al tavolo del gruppo di lavoro su Informazione Scientifica di regione ER.

Basti pensare per un attimo a ciò che è successo in altre regioni dove si è prolungata la sospensione dell’informazione scientifica, in alcuni casi fino a fine giugno, in altri casi senza nemmeno dare un preciso termine per la ripresa e senza coinvolgere direttamente noi ISF.

In Emilia-Romagna abbiamo ottenuto di riprendere con gradualità, e quindi “in sicurezza”, tenendo conto anche del fatto che i medici non sono ancora pronti a riceverci con le modalità consuete.

Finally, and a not negligible detail, we have a precise date on which traditional "face to face" visits can be resumed if the situation is under control.

After all, the pandemic has changed our lives and it could not fail to change something, at least temporarily, in our profession which has always seen human contact as an essential condition for its development.

The FEDAIISF board of the Emilia Romagna region will continue to strive to further improve the working conditions of all of us IS/ISF.

il Consiglio Direttivo Regionale FEDAIISF dell’Emilia Romagna


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