Farmindustria on biosimilars. “Ensuring the prescribing freedom of the doctor”

The position paper of Farmindustria: “They must not be promoted for economic reasons. Guarantee the prescribing freedom of the doctor”


Anche Farmindustria si allinea così alla posizione già espressa dall’Aifa nel suo “secondo position paper sui farmaci biosimilari”. L’informazione sulla scelta della terapia, sui relativi rischi e benefici deve essere “chiara e completa”. Per queste ragioni ” è importante che la libertà prescrittiva del medico sia garantita in modo uniforme sull’intero territorio nazionale”. In ogni caso i biosimilari vengono definiti “un’opportunità per il Ssn” dal momento che consentono di “ridurre gli oneri finanziari a carico del Sistema” ( … continua su quotidianosanità.it dell’11 ottobre 2018)

Interchangeability, ie the possibility of switching from one drug to another during therapy, between the originator and the related biosimilar and vice versa, must not be promoted for reasons of an economic nature to the point of becoming binding for doctors. The latter are the only ones able to evaluate the best therapeutic approach in the interest of the individual patient - with particular attention to those already in treatment - on the basis of solid clinical evidence.

Information on the choice of therapy, its risks and benefits must be clear and complete. In fact, it constitutes a fundamental element in the communication between doctor and patient, for his/her involvement in the treatment process.

For these reasons it is important that the prescribing freedom of the doctor is guaranteed uniformly throughout the national territory. The Council of State has repeatedly reaffirmed the importance and centrality of prescriptive freedom and, with it, of the patient's right to health
(extract from the Position Paper)



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