Filctem. ISF National Assembly. The ISF National Coordination of FILCTEM CGIL is starting

Stsignificant participation in the national assembly of scientific representatives which took place on 12 April in Rome at the headquarters of the national CGIL.

You represent almost all the major pharmaceutical companies in the sector and the quality of the contribution of the MSWs involved.

Touched the open nodes concerning the activity of whistleblowers: compliance with the law vigenti sulla natura scientifica dell’informazione, necessità di una maggiore coesione di un’attività molto frastagliata nei territori e costituzione di un coordinamento nazionale, verifica delle condizioni individuali in cui versano gli operatori, verifiche contrattuali e del mercato del lavoro.

These are the main themes on which a final document of the assembly will be drawn up in the next few days, which will kick off the work of the coordination being established.

[Filctem CGIL press release]

Ed.: in the photo below, in the second row, the second from the left, the new Fedaiisf president, Antonio Mazzarella

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