The new minister opens up to the Region: "It is right to rationalize pharmaceutical spending"

More effective organizational models, essential for generating savings and freeing up resources to be reinvested in the health service

More effective organizational models, essential for generating savings and therefore freeing up resources to be reinvested in the health service. The strategy was outlined by the new Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo, in risposta alla presa di posizione della Regione: tra l’altro, si tratta del primo contatto tra l’esponente del Governo giallo-verde con il Piemonte.

The speech refers to the recent sentence of the Court of Turin which rejected the appeal of a large pharmaceutical multinational endorsing the Region's decision: that is, the possibility of reducing the cost of medicines, even in the case of tenders that have already been awarded, leveling it to that of new equivalent products landed on the market.

The position of the minister  

Choice validated by the judges and supported by the new minister. A line, Giulia Grillo specifies in the letter sent today (Friday 8 June) to the Region, which goes «in the direction reported by the Prime Minister on the occasion of his inauguration speech: he underlined the Government's willingness to work in agreement with the regions and autonomous provinces to implement more effective organizational models than currently implemented».

"New Governance"

Next, the next commitment: «I will organize a discussion with the coordinator of the Regions in the Health Commission as soon as possible and address all the issues open in the State-Regions Conference including the definition of the next governance of pharmaceuticals, a topic envisaged in the contract of Government of which I belong and postponed several times by the executive past".

Related news: Medicines, the Regions can lower the prices after the award of the tenders

Parapharmacies. Lpi to Grillo: "Good minister openings on band C liberalization. Here is our dossier"

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