Supplement censored for misleading commercial communication

The message suggests the use of the supplement as an aid for "the immune system" when "seasonal fatigue" occurs

The message relating to the Lactoferrin 200 Immuno supplement attributes to the product properties and effects not recognized by it, given that no action of defense of the organism or specific intervention on the immune system of Lactoferrin has been recognized to date.

The Chairman of the Control Committee having seen the telecommunication "Season tiredness?" relating to 'Lactoferrina 200 Immuno' broadcast on RAI networks in February 2022 considers the same manifestly contrary to articles 2 - Misleading commercial communication - and 23bis - Food supplements and dietetic products - of the Code of Self-Discipline for Commercial Communication, as it attributes to the advertised product properties and effects that are not recognized by it.

The message suggests the use of the supplement as an aid for "the immune system" when "seasonal fatigue" occurs, a subjective situation of asthenia sometimes associated with climatic variations that take place during the course of the year.

However, having taken into consideration what emerged in a recent decision of the Jury, pron no. 18/2021, it does not appear to date that Lactoferrin has been recognized by the competent Authorities as having any action to defend the body or specifically intervene on the immune system, a claim which therefore, not being proven, cannot be used in advertising. Similarly, it does not appear that any component of the product is recognized as having an action on "fatigue", the control of which in turn cannot consequently be cited as a possible goal of the use of the advertised supplement.

IAP Institute of Advertising Self-Regulation Injunction 5/2022 of 4/3/2022


La comunicazione di Promo Pharma, l’azienda farmaceutica che produce l’integratore, era stata già censurata qualche mese fa sempre per l’integratore Lattoferrina 200. Nella comunicazione precedente, lo slogan contestato era “Lattoferrina l’alleato naturale contro il coronavirus”.

The message censored in October 2020, it proposed the supplement as "A concrete aid for the immune system" with a direct reference to the action on the Coronavirus: "Lactoferrin the natural ally against the coronavirus". The problem is that there are no scientific studies able to demonstrate this activity against the virus. "In the opinion of the Control Committee - reads the note from the Iap - such a communication is inappropriate and incorrect precisely because of the reference to the current health emergency situation caused by Covid-19, known to all as a coronavirus, which mainly affects the respiratory tract".

Say IAP no. 18/2021 of 28/5/2021

IAP injunction no. 54/20 of 10/28/20


Related news: Milan: food supplements and drugs passed off as anti-Covid, maxi seizure of the Gdf


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