The summary of the meeting between OO.SS. and regional authorities of Emilia-Romagna on the ISF regulation

Summary of the meeting held on 28 September by the Emilia Romagna Regional Secretariats at the Region itself regarding the situation that has arisen for the management of meetings with doctors and access to health facilities by DRUG SCIENTIFIC REPRESENTATIVES; on the basis of the relative regional resolution, the application rules and in particular the operational management decided by the various local health authorities.
We were jointly present at the meeting (the regional secretariats and two colleagues (Femca and Filctem) delegates/Rsu who work in pharmaceutical companies as scientific informants).

In a nutshell, the Region has demonstrated:

Like Femca Filctem and Uiltec ER we have:

The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to work on the above points and shortly:

the Region (always using the specific email):

So I would say that as far as we are concerned, we are waiting for the above to make our assessments of the platform and guidelines and we are recording the progress of the situation in the territories to also give feedback to the region on problems or solutions using

the email:     informationscientifica@regione.emilia‐

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