The story of Oronzio de Nora, the inventor of the amuchina

While the Coronavirus is raging, Amuchina has become one of the most sought-after products, unobtainable except at exorbitant prices. But does anyone know the story of this transparent gel that has only just come to the fore?

The inventor of the Amuchina is Oronzio De Nora, an Apulian engineer born in Altamura at the end of the 19th century; he patented the product in Germany and then sold the brand, which is now owned by Angelini Pharma.

In recent days his story has emerged, told in the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno by the journalist Onofrio Bruno. De Nora (1899-1995) was a revolutionary electrical engineer, a visionary in the applications of chemistry in industry. The company, founded in Milan in 1923, still exists and deals with sustainable technologies, energy saving and water treatment.

Per la sua azione ossidante, oltre che esser utilizzato come sbiancante e disinfettante, l’ipoclorito di sodio è uno sporicida, un fungicida e un virucida.

Viene anche utilizzato, titolato in cloro attivo al 5% e spesso riscaldato, come principale irrigante endocanalare in endodonzia (branca dell’odontoiatria).

A solution of sodium hypochlorite, in various titrations, is used for the disinfection and cleaning of hemodialysis equipment.

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