The drug sales rep: evolution of the species. Self-employment and/or subordinate work?

For the Isf, the approach that was followed by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group with the Oo.Ss could be adopted. with the signing of the Protocol for the sustainable development of the Group. It is evidently a question of the so-called "hybrid contract", and, therefore, of the existence between the same subjects "of two employment relationships: one subordinate and one self-employed". This is an issue on which it would be useful for the social partners of the chemical-pharmaceutical sector to discuss

On Quotidianosanità the lawyers Lorenzo Maratea and Maurizio Campagna (FPB law firm) reflect on the contractual framework of the ISF, at the same time extending the reflection beyond the field of the qualification of the relationship to embrace some aspects which, in normal cases, are not of labor law, i.e. those relating to the models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and more generally to compliance, which, however, have a lot to say about the blurring of the rigid distinction between autonomy and subordination.

Per leggere l’articolo cliccare sul link Daily health of 5 September 2018

…È evidente che l’informatore sia una figura per certi versi “paradossale”. Incaricato da un soggetto (la casa farmaceutica) nel cui interesse opera, si trova, tuttavia, a svolgere una funzione cruciale in una prospettiva rilevante ben oltre l’interesse dell’impresa che è quella di esporre le caratteristiche dei farmaci ai medici ed ai farmacisti assumendo un obbligo di “verità” rispetto alle caratteristiche dei prodotti. …

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