Milan. Withdraw layoffs

The RSU Mylan have issued a union statement in which they announce that an agreement has been reached to withdraw the layoffs of the ISFs.

The RSU Mylan have issued a union statement in which they announce that an agreement has been reached to withdraw the layoffs of the ISFs.


Agency: Dr. Monica Ardielli, Dr. Raffaele Ghezzi, Dr. Manuela Bocciolone.

00.SS.: Giancarlo Lombardo (Filctem CGIL), Patrizia Pessina (Femca CISL), Fabrizio Rigoldi (Ugl Chemists),

MSW Mylan Italy: Carmine Oliva, Walter Lulli, Raimondo Coslovich, Francesca Tadini, Marcello Cattadori, Samuele Crismale, Giuseppe Cinelli.

On 23 July at 3pm le 00.SS la RSU sono state convocate presso la sede di Monza per l’ultimo degli incontri programmati per la discussione sulla procedura di licenziamento collettivo del 6.7.2021

Le Parti hanno condiviso di concludere la procedura di mobilità con un Accordo sindacale che riconosce l’obiettivo di arrivare al saldo zero degli esuberi senza ricorrere, al momento, a licenziamenti coercitivi.

All the alternative tools to the layoffs that the Parties had identified during the negotiation were confirmed,

  1. Recovery number 5 positions from the review of the territories;
  2. Number 7 Pharmacy Advisors;
  3. Number 17 position vacant;
  4. Number 4 positions in the external company;

This instrumentation will allow, if used, to solve the employment problem.

In September the Parties will meet again to define the economic and operational aspects of the aforementioned instruments and to reassess and monitor the situation.

The economic treatment package for the transfer of residence/domicile in the vacant areas is confirmed.

Esprimendo soddisfazione per la conclusione della procedura senza licenziamenti coatti, le 00.S e la RSU auspicano che tutte le opportunità previste dall’ Accordo siano colte dai lavoratori per evitare situazioni di criticità nel prossimo futuro.

A meeting with all workers is scheduled for September: details will be communicated later.

Next meeting on Friday 3/9/2021 at 9.30




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