Note from the Federal President on the film "The Medicine Seller"

I consider it my duty, as National President of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Associations, to comment on a film being programmed which denounces wrongdoing between doctors and ISF. In truth, we had decided to ignore it: advertising is always the responsibility of the producers.


Un’idea, anche provocatoria, è legittimo possa essere materializzata in un film.


If this were not the case, we would intervene on the sacred concept of freedom and democracy.


Volerlo assimilare – però – ad uno spaccato di vita quotidiana costituisce il limite del film.


The denunciation of a negative emotion always tends to rebound in consciences drawing lifeblood from the elements of the show, which we wanted to amplify, integrating them with the director's fantasies and with the need to sell tickets.


Perhaps, to propose a film closer to reality, it would have been useful to consult this Federation: if they had done so, I fear this film would never have been produced.


A meno che … .


Everyone can find the right answer.




Fabio Carinci




Federation of drug sales representatives.


Federal National President

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