How much must you earn with a VAT number to have a salary of €1,500 net per month

To calculate the net income of 1,500 euros, reference must be made to the total income for an entire year and a higher gross income from 23 to 43% may be necessary, to which social security contributions must be added.

When it comes to earnings for VAT numbers one must be very careful not to confuse turnover with net revenue. In fact, the sum indicated in the individual invoices does not represent the amount that the worker will keep in his current account and then dispose of as he sees fit.

Indeed there are two items of expense to be taken into account. La prima è quella relativa alle imposte, rispetto a cui l’attuale impianto normativo fiscale prevede una doppia possibilità: quella dell’adesione al regime ordinario con le tasse da pagare in proporzione al reddito generato, e quella del regime forfettario, su cui si applica invece una imposta sostitutiva fissa. La seconda voce di costo è quella dei contributi previdenziali, siano essi relativi all’Inps o ad altra cassa previdenziale.

First of all, the first thing that has a profound effect on the earnings of a VAT number applied tax. Those who adhere to the ordinary regime are subject to a variable taxation based on their income. More precisely, the picture from the highest to the lowest bracket is as follows:

To calculate the net income of 1,500 euros, it is therefore necessary to refer to the total income for an entire year and a higher gross income from 23 to 43% may be necessary, to which social security contributions must be added.

With the flat rate scheme, l’aliquota applicata è invece unica al 15%, purché il redditi conseguiti siano inferiore al tetto di 65.000 euro. Dal reddito determinato si deducono i contributi previdenziali – Inps artigiani e commercianti, contributi alla gestione separata, Casse di previdenza professionali – compresi quelli corrisposti per conto dei collaboratori familiari fiscalmente a carico ovvero non a carico, se il titolare di una impresa familiare non abbia esercitato il diritto di rivalsa sui collaboratori stessi.

Possono aderire al forfettario i contribuenti persone fisiche esercenti attività d’impresa, arti o professioni se nell’anno precedente hanno conseguito ricavi ovvero hanno percepito compensi, ragguagliati ad anno, not exceeding 65,000 euros; if they have incurred expenses for a total amount not exceeding 20,000 euros gross for ancillary work, for employment and for collaborations.

The flat-rate regime is characterized by the fact that income is determined using the cash criterion for both businesses and professionals. The income is calculated on a flat-rate basis by applying profitability coefficients divided by type of activity. A substitute tax of 5% or 15% is applied to the income thus determined, instead of the ordinary progressive Irpef rates.

Nel caso di adesione al forfettario, si segnalano ai fini dell’accesso al regime la reintroduction of the spending limit con riferimento al personale dipendente; il ripristino dell’esclusione dal regime per coloro che percepiscono un reddito di lavoro dipendente o assimilato di ammontare superiore a 30.000 euro; un regime premiale per chi emette la fattura elettronica; la concorrenza del reddito forfettario ai fini del calcolo delle detrazioni e deduzioni.

Chiara Compagnucci per BusinessOnLine – 


With the flat rate scheme, in which it is easier to carry out the tax calculation, everything is processed in a flat-rate manner, on the basis of fixed percentages established for each ATECO code. In the flat rate scheme, it is not possible to download expenses directly. These are, in fact, calculated on a fixed basis, according to a percentage (o profitability coefficient) established for each sector or economic activity. Simplifying: GROSS INCOMEPERC. FIX EXPENSESCONTRIBUTIONS PAID DURING THE SAME PERIOD = TAXABLE INCOME. Una volta stabilito il tuo reddito imponibile, si potrà procedere con il calcolo tasse e guadagno netto. L’aliquota scende fino al 5% per i primi cinque anni di attività (ovvero, per il cosiddetto regime forfettario start-up).

With the ordinary regime the tax calculation And net income it is much more complex: first of all, you need to enter the expenses incurred (if deductible) item by item. Subsequently, the different taxes will have to be processed, with rates that vary according to the income bracket.

For "ordinary" taxpayers, therefore, the advisable solution to find out the amount to be paid is to contact a financial advisor or subscribe to an online service of management of the VAT number which allows you to monitor turnover and evaluate future expenses. The tax calculation it is not the only evaluation to be made in order to know one's own net income why the taxes are not the only management costs to be incurred: there are also i social security contributions which vary according to the activity, with rates established by the relevant Social Security Fund


Example (flat rate): Collecting €2,000 from an invoice, what is the net profit?

Revenue (collection) invoice: 2.000 €
Profitability coefficient : 67%
Taxable income (revenue x profitability ratio) = €2,000 x 67% = 1.340 €
Substitutive tax to 5% (taxable income x 5%) = 1,340 x 5% = 67 €

Contributions (taxable income x 24%) = 1,340 x 24% = 321,6 €

Total = taxes + contributions = 67 + 321,6 = 388,6 €

Net income = Revenue – (taxes + contributions) = 2,000 – 388.6 = 1611.4

Furthermore, it should be taken into account that from the net income calculated in this way, to obtain what has actually been earned from the service, any expenses that have actually been incurred to complete the activity for which the invoice has been invoiced will also have to be subtracted.

Example of Programmers on a flat rate: cannual net alcohol

Now let's see an example of calculating net profit VAT developer on an annual basis, the mechanism will be the same but let's see how it applies with a higher amount of receipts.

Revenues (collections) invoices: 30.000 €
Profitability coefficient: 67%
Income taxable (revenue x profitability ratio) = 30,000 x 67% = 20.100 €
Tax replacement for 5% ( taxable income x 5%) = 20,100 x 5% = 1.005 €

As for i contributions, we can see that the taxable income of €20,100 exceeds the threshold of minimal income fixed at 15.953 € therefore, in this case you will have to pay, in addition to the fixed fee of €3,850, also the 24% of the surplus.

Fixed contributions = 3.850 €
Contributions on the surplus: (taxable income - minimal income x24%) = 20,100 – 15,953 = 4,147 x 24% = 995,28 €
Total contributions = 3,850 + 995.28= 4.845,28 €

Related news: ISTAT informs us: ATECO code for ISF





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