FEDAIISF meeting 2015 – Bologna

The report of Federal President Carinci at the 2015 National Congress in Bologna. Things done and things to do.



FEDAISF  Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bologna, 13 June 2015


President's annual report


BOLOGNA – 13-14 June 2015

Dear colleagues, dear friends.

What we did in 2014 and, above all, what we will do in 2015.

This reflection will be the stimulus for the work that awaits us and that will come.

Un anno, il 2014, all’insegna della ricerca della visibilità, della rappresentatività.

Visibility, in my opinion, has greatly increased: in particular due to the meticulous, boring, sacrificed, competent work of those who took care of the new site. I cannot, therefore, not thank Angelo Dazzi, Riccardo Bevilacqua, Angelo Passini, Antonio Scano, Angelo Baruchello and Giorgio Pezzi.

I limited myself to observing and appreciating these worker bees, intent on building the new house, brick by brick.

Renewing the site meant taking a significant step forward in the construction of tomorrow: because tomorrow there will be a modern tomorrow in line with the times.

Yes, in line with the times.

Active evidence of this is the many emails sent by colleagues, health professionals, companies, who have offered their advice and their services up to the request for workforce.

Last but not least, the interview requests.

Fedaiisf è, in Italia, l’unica federazione organizzata, con interventi a 360 gradi nella politica, nelle problematiche sindacali, nella economia istituzionale.

Things done in 2014:

sono talmente tante, che nell’intervento a Foggia ha richiesto oltre un’ora e mezzo per esaminarle una per una.

Poiché ho già inviato a tutti voi la relazione su quell’evento e poiché è stata trasmessa anche la relazione dell’amico Antonio Mazzarella, Presidente Foggia ritengo superfluo dettagliare.

I will state the most relevant things:

we were received by the President of the Chamber's Health Commission.

We were invited by him to participate in the presentation of the three-year health plan at Montecitorio.

We have taken the first steps towards a European federation.

We were received by the legal adviser to the President of the Budget Committee.

We met twice with Luca Bianco, CISL national secretary.

We started the site revolution.

We presided over the national congress of Farmindustria.

We attended the SNAMI congress in Rome.

Abbiamo incontrato nuovamente il direttore generale dell’AIFA, che ci ha proposto l’ipotesi di geolocalizzare nostri associati.

We were invited by SIAR.

And so on..

Quell’ardore operativo, però,  lo abbiamo dovuto comprimere alla fine del mese di settembre, perché la tesoreria mi avvertiva dell’esaurimento delle risorse disponibili.

The first battles of 2015 and the first mortifications unleashed my reactive impulses: I thus find myself more ready than ever to defend our associates from everywhere and to fight epic battles in the name of our future.


Cosa ci riserva questo 2015?  le problematiche stanno cambiando: non c’è più l’ossessione della perdita del posto di lavoro.

Le mobilità sono quasi esaurite sulla spinta dell’onda governativa, che -con ogni probabilità- avrà dato

sufficienti garanzie all’industria.

Certamente dovremo attenzionare i contratti, per evitare pericolosi scivolamenti nell’area commerciale.

We will have to monitor, company by company, colleague by colleague, the dynamics linked to the abolition of trade union guarantees, which open up scenarios to be monitored for the protection of the rights of those who work.

We will have to undertake all possible initiatives, for what I have defined as the slavery of the twenty-first century: I am referring to corporate IPADs and IPHONs complete with geolocation and silent pressure to bring them along.

This will have to be the crusade of 2015, using all possible means, seeking approval from newspapers, unions of employees and self-employed workers, activation of company RSUs, continuous and repeated editorials, various types of associations, newspapers: in short, a very strong pressure to report the dignity of those who work, in the place that common sense and the inalienable right to personal freedoms impose.

Le aziende hanno ideato un nuovo tipo di frusta, la frusta del duemila : un’altra forma, un altro uso, lo stesso dolore.

Cercheremo di capire meglio il ruolo dell’Europa per le associazioni: magari proveremo a ricercare altre associazioni per federarci con esse.

Dazzi had ancient addresses: it could be sufficient to look for ISF Associations in Europe through the professional associations of doctors to which to ask.

Mi era pero’ venuto in mente di attivare, per queste specifiche motivazioni il COLAP, che, certamente si sarà già adoperato per riunire varie associazioni in Europa.

We did well to call ourselves out of UIADM: I don't want to be the sacrificial victim of a pagan rite, in which to be put in constant vote inferiority, and to be attractive only to contribute to the thinking dynamics of an already constituted majority, which made only our precious contributions to share the expenses, however modest.

In my opinion, 2015 will have to lay the foundations for a stronger impact with COLAP, which today represents over 200 associations of various types and which are increasingly expanding.

It will be our care to participate in the life of the association, even within the limits of our small budget: but if you want visibility, attention to problems, resolution of disputes, addressing the many distortions of our work, we must participate actively, to have the opportunity to speak to microphones oriented towards politicians, trade unions, journalists.

For better or for worse, the associations present are over 300,000 strong.

We will also try to motivate our members with innovative ideas, so that they are not disappointed by cultural and operational paths that identify with the past.

We will manage the many open things so as not to let them get out of hand.

All of you are needed for all of this: with a touch of regret I must observe that while you have been commendable for keeping our base aggregated, you have not equally identified paths of ideas to be transferred to all of us so that we can make them operational.

Poichè mi piacciono le parole, ma ancora di più le cose pratiche vi chiedo, anzi vi chiedo di nuovo le motivazioni per le quali nessuno abbia ritenuto di dovere aderire a quanto condiviso nella relazione dell’anno precedente.

I recall, for the sake of brevity: requests for meetings with the region, meetings with representatives of medical associations,

pharmacist associations, local politicians, employees' unions, consumer associations, local press directors, autonomous agents unions, ideas to be developed.

It would be useful -also- to respond to each attack

visible on the internet, and, meeting young colleagues in the clinics, participating in their problems, making them

yours to give, if possible, contributions of experience and answers to their needs and expectations.

You, always remember this, are not only scientific representatives of the drug, you are presidents or provincial or regional councilors, you have two business cards: one real and one ideal; make your institutional weight felt, become increasingly charismatic not at the service of the federation, but for the well-being of many colleagues. Always remember this: they are the problem, we have to represent and defend them politically.

Voi sarete i presidenti nazionali del domani oppure i membri dell’Esecutivo Nazionale e noi costruiremo il naturale ricambio perchè nessuno deve nascere e morire con una carica istituzionale.

Several times I have urged you to read into the problems, but you have not yet done so, I have asked you to work to leave a trace together with all of us: seize the opportunities of a lit microphone, make your voice heard to the world or at least in that part of the world, where you have grown professionally and have developed your role.

Look for these opportunities, invest what little time you have left after a hard day's work to amalgamate colleagues, to get consensus from the people who count in your monad.

Unity among us, unity and knowledge, unity and development.

We will all work to support you, as we always have.

In short, friends, we all work with a single goal: to make the definitive leap in quality, which we have been preparing for two years and which will recognize Fedaiisf as a consolidated certainty in our professional scenario and not a sterile optional carried out to satisfy the ambitions of a few.

One day, people who knew us may remember us for our federation.

And, perhaps, they could tell their children about us.

And these, in turn, to their own.

E ancora….e ancora….e ancora.

We will die, but each of us will continue to live.

Soltanto un’idea può donare l’immortalità agli sconosciuti.


Thank you

Fabio Carinci

Federal President Fedaiisf



e-mail: fabiocarinci45@gmail.com mobile: 348 0646157



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