Sardinia. ISF donate defibrillator in memory of Dr. Crepaldi

Cagliari, died during a run at Poetto: in his memory a defibrillator at D'Aquila

Gli informatori scientifici del Farmaco della Sardegna, per ricordare il compianto dottore Maurizio Raffaele Crepaldi, hanno deciso di donare un defibrillatore che sarà posizionato nello stabilimento balneare D’Aquila, nel lungomare Poetto a Cagliari

The delivery ceremony is scheduled for today, Saturday 22 December, at 10. It is a very important tool which in many cases allows timely intervention and saving a life.

Casteddu on nline – 21 dicembre 2018

Could Maurizio Raffaele Crepaldi, the gynecologist who died while jogging in Marina Piccola, struck down by a fatal illness, could he be saved? And what would be needed to improve prevention in cases like this? The debate is open. Manuela Vadilonga, rescuer and instructor of Blsd, says: “Why not train kiosk employees and install defibrillators? Ah yes, why do this act of civility, on the other hand it almost never happens and it only happens to others, too bad that sometimes we are the others”.

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