AUSL Parma. Regulatory provisions for ISF

L’AUSL di Parma ha deliberato il regolamento per l’Informazione Scientifica sul Farmaco (Resolution 480 of 08/01/2017). Fanno parte dell’AUSL di Parma, oltre alla medicina di base e ai pediatri di libera scelta, l’Ospedale di Fidenza e l’Ospedale di Borgotaro e vari altri dipartimenti.

Nel regolamento si precisa che l’attività di informazione scientifica non è mai ammessa all’interno dei reparti di degenza e negli ambulatori specialistici negli orari destinati alla visita dei pazienti.

I Direttori delle strutture dovranno individuare “i locali da adibire alle attività del presente regolamento, le time slots and booking and/or access methods e ne danno comunicazione alla Direzione Sanitaria, entro trenta giorni dall’approvazione delle presenti disposizioni”

The booking and/or access procedures must be brought to the attention of the doctors of the structures concerned and published on the Company's website.
To the At the end of each visit, the IFS (editor's note: ISF) must issue a certificate signed indicating:
name, surname and company
unique regional code
date and time of the visit
doctor/doctors from the Parma Local Health Authority who attended
reason for visit.

The same certification must also be issued in the case of meetings concerning medical devices, obviously without reporting the unique regional code.

The access certificate must be used for sample checks della registrazione nell’apposita piattaforma informatica della Regione Emilia Romagna. Le attestazioni cThe completed forms must be delivered by the doctors concerned to the respective Directorates by the tenth day of the following month.

The Managements of the various structures can agree collegial meetings with the ISFs, favoring this method over individual meetings.

For the accesses of the ISF to the practices of GPs and PLS, both located inside the Health Homes and outside, happens at the time established by the doctor himself. This timetable cannot, in any case, overlap with the opening of the study to patients and is communicated, by the doctor concerned, to the competent Local Health Authority.

In order to allow the correct conduct of the meetings, in the affiliated medical offices they will have to apply signs indicating the times and methods of reception of the ISFs. In addition, the following wording must be included in the signs: "Scientific information activities on the drug are not permitted during patient visiting hours”.
The Directors of the Primary Care Departments will proceed to inform the GPs and GPs of the regional provisions, indicating to them the references to communicate the times established by them for the receipt of the ISF.

For complete reading of the Regulation, please refer to the attached original document

Parma AUSL regulation on the scientific information of medicines

Related news: Indications_applications_ISF

Reg. ER Annex 1


ANAC. Guidelines Codic Behavior SSN.

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