Catania. Myrmex, yet another "no" from the company on the withdrawal of layoffs

In 2009 Pfizer absorbed its rival Wyeth and, with it, also the Catania laboratory. On September 16, 2011, Pfizer sold the center to Myrmex, a company managed by Gian Luca Calvi, for one euro.

TOncora un “no” da parte della Myrmex. Alla richiesta ufficiale di Cgil, Uil e CISAL di ritirare le procedure di mobilità per i lavoratori. L’azienda ha risposto, come già affermato nei giorni scorsi al Ministero delle attività produttive, che “non esistono presupposti di fatto per la revoca della procedura”.

Il confronto tra i rappresentanti sindacali (per la Filctem Cgil e la Cgil, Margherita Patti, Peppe D’Aquila e Giovanni Romeo, per la Uilctem Uil, Alfio Avellino, per la Rsu Sebastiano Canarelli e Giovanni Cantone) e i rappresentanti della Myrmex (presente il delegato Salvatore Celeste), si è tenuto stamattina, 4 dicembre, e per l’occasione i sindacati hanno nuovamente espresso “la loro opposizione a qualunque licenziamento chiedendo il ritiro della procedura di mobilità come già espresso in sede ministeriale – si legge nel verbale della riunione- e come da invito all’azienda da parte del Ministero delle attività produttive, in virtù anche di quanto dichiarato dal MIUR sulla mancata continuità della ricerca relativa ai progetti PON ed in particolare al vincolo dei cinque anni di mantenimento della stabile sede ed organizzazione”.

Nel corso dell’incontro al Ministero, inoltre, l’assessore regionale alle Attività produttive Mariella Lo Bello ha proposto uno soluzione pubblico-privato con l’Università di Catania e l’azienda, che potrebbe mantenere in vita il laboratorio, l’attività di ricerca e e i posti di lavoro esistenti. Sul tema del vincolo, la Myrmex ha assicurato la stabilità della sede; elemento che però non influirà positivamente sul destino dei lavoratori. L’azienda, in pratica non cambia idea nemmeno di fronte allo spiraglio aperto dalla Regione. “L’atteggiamento dell’azienda si mantiene rigido nonostante tutti i nostri tentativi di confronto. Questa chiusura per noi non è sinonimo di fermezza ma si traduce in mancanza di visione. Chiuderà un laboratorio d’eccellenza, i lavoratori perderanno l’occupazione e il territorio subirà un altro contraccolpo”, commentano i sindacati.

04 dicembre 2015 –

Who is Myrmex

cwithin toxicology: in 2009 Pfizer absorbed its rival Wyeth and, with it, also the Catania laboratory. Following the acquisition, Pfizer Italia began a reorganization process, which involved the center and, at the beginning of 2011, however, the news arrived of its future disposal and mobility for its employees.

On September 16, 2011, Pfizer sold the center to Myrmex, a company managed by Gian Luca Calvi, a leading player in the healthcare sector but in a very different market, that of orthopedic prostheses. Calvi takes over a laboratory with international efficiency standards, an area of 10 thousand square meters and - above all - receives an exceptional gift: research programs, in collaboration with the Cnr and the Higher Institute of Healthfunded by the Ministry ofInstruction, of theUniversity and Research (Miur).

bald, for this operation he spends one euro. And this the price it pays to Pfizer. It may seem absurd but in reality, given the market, this is not a real anomaly. Simplifying: the laboratory has no customers, since it works exclusively for Pfizer, so a start-up period is needed - about two years - to look for new orders. The start-up period, in the negotiation with Pfizer, is quantified with a liability: 15.8 million euros. In jargon it is called bad will – negative goodwill – and it is for this reason that, unbeknownst to the unions, Myrmex buys for just one euro. In reality, for the price of one euro, he still buys a building worth 10 million, machinery worth 12.6 million And laboratory equipment for another 12.5. The entire laboratory, in the notarial deed, is valued at a good 37.7 million euros.

Calvi undertakes with Pfizer to maintain the contracts stipulated with the researchers for two years: the two years expired on 16 September 2013 and the workers are increasingly worried.

Dal settembre 2011, il piano industriale presentato dall’avvocato Gian Luca Calvi, non è stato realizzato, tranne la parte del trasferimento di studi di ricerca trasferiti da Pfizer. Il MIUR ha erogato il 7 agosto 2013 3 milioni di euro per questi studi. Studi che ai dipendenti non risultano mai effettuati.

Taken from Miur, three million to the ghost research laboratory: "We never work"

NB.: From the MYRMEX website: Myrmex è parola greca che significa “formica”, ma anche la ninfa protettrice dei Mirmidoni, un antico popolo abitante della Tessaglia, donne e uomini alacri ed industriosi ma capaci, all’occorrenza, di trasformarsi in temibili guerrieri.

Ants know how to build amazing organized systems by making the most of the material at their disposal. They work with dedication, each following their own specific competence.

Sanno lottare e soffrire ma, soprattutto, non cedono mai: non c’è briciola da trasportare che, per quanto enorme, sia capace di scoraggiarle.



Luciano Gallino. There have been reports of the closure or downsizing of companies or factories controlled by foreign multinationals, with immediate or foreseeable loss of thousands of jobs. These are signs of a completely anomalous situation that characterizes our industry. Italy is in fact the only EU country in which almost half of the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, high-end electrotechnical, household appliances, mobile telephony industries, etc. is controlled by foreign companies. Even the steel industry has taken this path, with the sale of the Lucchini steelworks to the Russians of Severstal, after the sale some time ago of Acciai Speciali Terni to ThyssenKrupp.
Evidence suggests that Italy receives little investment from abroad, and makes even less in other countries. In 2003 it received just $16.4 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI), and made a measly $9.1 billion. France has received almost three times as many, 46.9 billion dollars, and has made four times as many, i.e. 57.2 billion. Furthermore, as has been the case for some time, the investments received by Italy have in almost no case been of the green field type, ie consisting in the opening of new production units from scratch, with the relative creation of additional jobs. They have simply consisted in the purchase of companies already in operation, with minimal, and sometimes negative, effects on employment.

It would therefore seem that having passed almost half of our main industrial sectors into the hands of foreign companies has brought home the worst of globalization, that is, dependence on distant and irresponsible economic subjects; a start, in other words, to the state of a country that risks being both colonized and poor at the same time.

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