How and with what amount you will retire if you work with a VAT number

Vediamo come e con quanto andrai in pensione. Se lavori a partita IVA. E questo anche perché, rispetto ai lavoratori dipendenti, l’autonomo che va in pensione molto spesso prende dall’INPS un assegno mensile di importo molto basso. Tutto quello che devi sapere.


Let's see how and with how much you will retire. If you work with a VAT number. And this is also because, compared to employees, the self-employed who retire very often receive a very low monthly allowance from INPS.

In detail, on how and how much you will retire if you work with a VAT number, the first thing to take as a reference is the amount of average monthly revenue. Which are obtained from the activity of self-employment. Or a small business owner.

How and with what amount you will retire if you work with a VAT number

Furthermore, with the same income from the VAT number, the amount of the pension also changes according to the classification for social security purposes. For example, considering the self-employed worker enrolled in the Separate Management of theINPS. And the freelancer with a VAT number who, on the other hand, is registered with the private cash register. That of the order of belonging.

That said, on how and how much you will retire if you work in a VAT number, it must also be said that the differences can also be linked to the pension calculation system. Because who for retirement from work has the allowance calculated with the salary or mixed system has an advantage, all other requirements being equal. Compared to those who retire with contribution calculation.

What are the social security risks if you work with a VAT number, pay close attention to contribution gaps

Furthermore, on how and with how much you will retire if you work with a VAT number, there is one last thing to add. That is, that compared to the employee, those who work with a VAT number for the same income are potentially more disadvantaged. As the self-employed worker may accrue periods of inactivity over time.

Those which, consequently, lead to having a seniority with some holesi.e. irregular. And consequently, when you reach retirement age, your pension will inexorably be of a lower amount.

Related news: 2022 contribution rates for members of the separate management

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