Mobility in Stroder concluded

Con un accordo tra l’ azienda e le organizzazioni sindacali, si è conclusa la procedura di mobilità nel gruppo Servier-Stroder. Gli esuberi sono 191, di cui 164 avevano già fatto richiesta di mobilità volontaria.

Related news: mobility in Servier and Stroder We received from an internal source that today (January 13, 2015) there will be a meeting with the trade unions to start a voluntary mobility procedure. Since there is no RSU, the meeting will take place between Personnel Management and the Territorial Unions.

To save its French factories, Servier diversified into subcontracting The company's staff has been “adequate” in some European countries. The structure of the promotion teams – scientific representatives – will have to be reconsidered (23/01/2014)

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