Non-repayable contribution. Support Decree

The instructions of the Revenue Agency for professionals and businesses. Applications from March 30 to May 28

E’ online il modello e le istruzioni per richiedere il nuovo contributo a fondo perduto previsto dal Dl Sostegni. Con un provvedimento sono state definite le regole per richiedere e ottenere il nuovo contributo a fondo lost in favor of companies and VAT numbers affected by the economic consequences of the "Covid-19" epidemiological emergency. (Revenue Agency)

Revenue agency press release

Altalex – 24 marzo 2021 – di Laura Biarella

Sul portale dell’Agenzia delle Entrate sono state pubblicati fac simile e istruzioni per richiedere il contributo a fondo perduto previsto dal “Support Decree” (texts at the bottom).

The Provision of 03.23.2021 of the Director of the Revenue Agency dictates the rules for the non-repayable contribution in favor of companies and VAT numbers that have suffered the economic consequences of the health emergency still in progress.

The procedure

From 30 March to 28 May, the applications will be sent to the Revenue Agency, also through the use of an intermediary, through the Agency's telematic channels or the web platform available in thereserved area of the "Invoices and Fees" portal del sito internet. L’orario di apertura del canale sarà comunicato dalle Entrate sul proprio portale web istituzionale. Il contributo arriverà direttamente sul conto corrente indicato nell’istanza o, su opzione del contribuente, potrà essere impiegato come credito d’imposta in compensazione.

How to request the grant

A form must be completed online to be submitted starting from 30 March 2021 and no later than 28 May 2021, via web. The taxpayer will be able to make use of the intermediaries he has already delegated for his tax drawer or for the electronic invoice consultation service and it will be possible to access the procedure with the Spid, Cie or Cns credentials or Entratel of the Agency. For each application, the Agency's system will carry out checks and issue receipts to the person who sent the application. In the event of a positive outcome, the Revenues will communicate the mandate for the payment of the contribution (or the recognition of the same as a tax credit if chosen) in the specific reserved area of the "Invoices and Payments" portal (section "Non-repayable contribution – Consultation of outcome”) accessible instantly or to its delegated intermediary.


It may be required:

Categories excluded

The following subjects are excluded from the use of the bonus:

The requirements to get the Bonus

There are two requirements:

VAT numbers from 2019

The contribution is also due in the absence of the requirement of the drop in turnover/fees for subjects who have activated the VAT number from 1 January 2019, if they comply with the assumption of the revenue limit or fees of 10 million euros.

How to quantify the contribution

The amount of the support is determined by applying a percentage to the difference between the average monthly amount of 2020 turnover and fees, and the average monthly amount of 2019 turnover and fees:

The minimum contribution

A minimum contribution is guaranteed:

The maximum contribution

The amount of the recognized contribution cannot in any case exceed 150,000 euros.

The exclusion from taxation

The support, like the previous bonuses:





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