Pharmaceuticals: the Farmindustria roadshow stops in the Marches at Angelini

Ospite dell’evento, organizzato con Pfizer, lo stabilimento Angelini di Ancona che vanta una produzione di eccellenza destinata a oltre 50 paesi nel mondo; ad Ascoli Piceno il 72% del totale dell’export manifatturiero.

Of Redazione Aboutpharma Online – 2 ottobre 2015

A quality industry, which employs 2,800 direct employees and related industries, of which 1,400 employees in the production plants of Ancona and Ascoli Piceno, high-performance locations: in Ancona, excellent production destined for over 50 countries worldwide; in Ascoli Piceno, 72% of total manufacturing exports. It is the photograph of the pharmaceutical industry in the Brands, seventh stage of the roadshows itinerant “Innovation and Production of Value. The drug industry: a heritage that Italy cannot lose” started by Farm industry in 2012.

The data on the pharmaceutical excellence of the Region were presented today during a meeting organized together with Pfizer at the factory Angelini of Ancona: two companies that are the absolute protagonists of the growth of the sector in the area which in the period from 2009 to 2014 saw pharmaceutical exports grow from 8% to 20% compared to total manufacturing. So much so that today the regional export of the Marche exceeds that of entire European countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Finland.

“Each factory – explained the president of Farmindustria, Massimo Scaccabarozzi – represents a manufacturing and social value for the territory. And for the entire pharmaceutical sector which has been, especially in recent years, one of the co-protagonists in the country's industrial landscape. Production, innovation especially biotech, exports, global competitiveness: fields in which every single company is an excellence. A sector which is therefore a flagship of Made in Italy. We are aware and have the ambition - he concluded - that if the stability of the rules of the last 2 years is guaranteed, we will be able to become a global hub and the first producing country in Europe, overtaking Germany."

AND the data – recalled during the meeting in Ancona – confirm the positive trend: 174 factories in the area, 63,000 employees and 2.5 billion in investments in 2014. In the last year there has also been an increase in production (+4 ,5%) with 28.7 billion euros and the historical maximum reached by exports (72% of production) with 21 billion. Without forgetting that our country was, from 2010 to 2014, the first in the world for growth in value of exports of drugs and vaccines. The Italy of drugs was thus able to consolidate the second position in Europe after Germany among the nations medicine manufacturers. And after years of decline, employment, also thanks to the Jobs Act, has started to rise again: 5,000 new hires – half that under 30 – in the last 12 months they have exceeded the number of outgoing workers. An increasing trend which is confirmed in 2015, with employment in large companies which in June was 1% higher than in December, especially for production workers (+8%). Growth due to the increase in investments in research (by around 10% in 2015 according to initial estimates) and in production (+6% compared to +1% of the total industry), once again driven by exports (+8%).

Marazziti, pharmaceuticals is a piece of the future, rethinking the system

“La farmaceutica italiana è un pezzo di futuro. Anche se c’è il tema della sostenibilità, dei tetti di spesa, resta la sfida di garantire l’accesso a tutti quando ci sono e ci saranno farmaci che cambiano la vita e la qualità della vita. E non possono essere limitati solo a chi può contribuire alle spese. Ma questa sfida non è impossibile”. Lo ha dichiarato il presidente della commissione Affari sociali della Camera, Mario Marazziti, intervenendo ad Ancona a un convegno di Farmindustria. “Non è solo un problema di costi, ma di sistema – ha proseguito – si può e si deve superare la frammentazione regionale e lo spreco e il danno che ne viene in termini di bilancio e di uguaglianza ai cittadini. La spesa farmaceutica non è fuori controllo, ma è impossibile pensare che debba rimanere la stessa quando a livello globale cresce nel mondo e alla vigilia dell’arrivo di farmaci che curabili patologie ritenute impossibili. Per questo bisogna cominciare a lavorare su un modello che intervenga non solo sugli sprechi e sui tetti di spesa, che hanno dato nei frutti in un quadro statico e di breve periodo. Senza una rivoluzione culturale e di modello, e senza regole condivise anche a livello regionale e locale possono solo crescere le disuguaglianze”.

2 ottobre 2015 – PharmaKronos

Related news: Guidi (Novartis): «L’industria farmaceutica è innovativa perché ha il fallimento nel Dna»

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