FIARC, Refreshments Decree. "Bewildered by the government's blindness and ENASARCO's silence"

We are baffled by the blindness with which the Government, in the last Refreshment Decrees, has neglected the professional categories of Commercial Agents, Financial Advisors, Agents in Financial Activities, Collaborators of AAF and SMC and Principal Companies, the associations make it known Anasf, Assopam, Federagenti and Fiarc. “Con il nuovo DPCM le nostre categorie hanno ricevuto il definitivo colpo di grazia per l’esercizio delle loro professioni e questa mancanza di considerazione da parte dell’Esecutivo – proseguono le quattro sigle, in un comunicato congiunto – è uno schiaffo violento in faccia a centinaia di migliaia di iscritti e alle loro famiglie, in sofferenza da molti mesi, oggi aggravata ( si spera non definitivamente) dalle delimitazioni delle varie zone a rischio variabile”.

Nino Marcianò, national president of FIARC,  ricorda che “the categories represented constitute one of the most productive parts of the country, accounting for approximately 70% of Italian GDPDespite the big disappointment the Government has the margins to remedy, but must act quickly“;  siamo a disposizione, unitamente ad : Anasf, Assopam e Federagenti se “si immediately opens a table with the Ministries of competence, and with the ENASARCO Foundation in order to remedy a serious and unjust shortcoming“, ma anche a intraprendere “every necessary action, even striking, to shine a light on our professions and give voice to the many colleagues in difficulty“. “Non c’è tempo da perdere –  Invitiamo quanti hanno a cuore il futuro delle categorie ad azioni inclusive e finalizzate alla difesa dei sacrosanti diritti delle nostre categorie a cominciare dai   Refreshments.

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DECREE-LAW 28 October 2020, n. 137 (Refreshments)

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