Johnson & Johnson condannata per presenza di amianto nel talco. La compagnia nega le accuse

Asbestos in talc. Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Indemnify Stephen Lanzo

Il banchiere statunitense aveva portato in tribunale l’azienda farmaceutica convinta che la causa del suo mesotelioma fosse stato l’utilizzo dei prodotti per 30 anni. La società presenta ricorso

One hundred and seventeen million dollars, that is 95 million euros. It is the amount that Johnson & Johnson and its talc supplier Imerys Talc will have to give to Stephen Lanzo. The man, a US banker, took the pharmaceutical company to court convinced that its products are the cause of mesothelioma. lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos in products

“The Middlesex County jury in New Jersey – writes la Cnn – ha ordinato alle compagnie di pagare 80 milioni di dollari per danni punitivi”. Si tratta di un provvedimento previsto dalla giurisdizione statunitense che prevede un risarcimento superiore a quello dovuto per compensare il danno subito in caso di azione dolosa o di colpa grave. Una settimana prima la stessa corte aveva assegnato altri “30 milioni di dollari di risarcimento danni a Lanzo e sette alla moglie”, riconoscendo il 70% della responsabilità alla ditta farmaceutica e il 30% al fornitore francese.

The man, now 46, said he have used Johnson & Johnson products, such as Shower to Shower and Baby Powder for over 30 years.

 Stephen Lanzo

First sentence for a man and for lung cancer

È la prima volta che una sentenza stabilisce che “i prodotti della società contengono amianto – riporta Reuters -. The company denies the allegations, saying its powders do not contain them or cause cancer” and announces the appeal. The sentence also represents the first case in which a man is involved. However, it is not the first time that Johnson and Johnson has faced the courts of US courts. There are more than six thousand open cases, most of which are based on the accusation that the company would not warn women on the risk of developing ovarian cancer by using intimate hygiene products.

In Missouri alone, four out of five lawsuits settled the company's liabilities, forcing it to pay more than $300 million. In California, according to Reuters, another sentence had established a compensation of 417 million dollars for the death of a woman. However, almost all of these decisions were overturned on appeal.

The problem with talc is extraction

For this reason, the company hopes that the sentence will be canceled in this case as well. In the court that brought her before Lanzo, Johnson & Johnson defended herself by saying she was sure that "man's exposure to asbestos comes from different sources".

Talc deposits, writes CNN, "are often found near deposits of minerals that make up asbestos, and some studies have shown the risk of contamination during extraction".

Related news: Talc cancer Johnson & Johnson: on appeal the judges deny her compensation

USA. Woman With Ovarian Cancer From Talcum Powder: She Must Get $417 Million Settlement From J&J

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The first quarter of Johnson & Johnson was positive

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