The Fnomceo to Lorenzin: "Paragraph 566 is unacceptable". Who prescribes the drugs?

He writes it in one letter to the Minister of Health the president of Fnomceo Chersevani. “I would like to remind you of the unacceptability of paragraph 566 of the Stability Law, for which some modifications had been hypothesized, but which continues to exist. A ministerial act, which recognizes the functional leadership of the doctor, is indispensable for us and can no longer be postponed. It would allow us to get out of so many misunderstandings”

Dear Minister,
I regret that there was no meeting between us to discuss the problems that have emerged over time and are getting worse within the medical profession, and which are leading to serious and widespread discomfort, which involves us all.
However, I realize that this moment is special for you.
I would like to remind you of the unacceptability of paragraph 566 of the Stability Law, for which some modifications had been hypothesized, but which continue to exist. A ministerial act, which recognizes the functional leadership of the doctor, is indispensable for us and can no longer be postponed. It would allow us to get out of so many misunderstandings.
The issue of professional liability must be tackled firmly and resolved.
The letters and phone calls from young doctors, worried about the fate of their training, are continuous. Their requests and grievances can no longer be ignored. And the same young people who wish to undertake medical studies cannot be more disillusioned.

I don't want to distress you further.
I take this opportunity to offer you my warmest and most sincere wishes, as a doctor and as a woman.

Roberta Chersevani

Related news: Paragraph 566. Alleanza Professione Medica writes to Lorenzin: "Start the procedure for the repeal"

Cosa prevede il “comma 566” della legge di Stabilità

LAW December 23, 2014, n. 190 Paragraph 566. Ferme restando  le  competenze  dei  laureati  in  medicina  e chirurgia  in  materia  di  atti complessi   e   specialistici   di prevenzione, diagnosi, cura e terapia,  con  accordo  tra  Governo  e regioni, previa concertazione con  le  rappresentanze  scientifiche, professionali e sindacali  dei  profili  sanitari  interessati,  sono definiti i ruoli, le competenze,  le  relazioni  professionali  e  le responsabilita’ individuali  e  di  equipe  su  compiti,  funzioni  e obiettivi delle professioni  sanitarie  infermieristiche,  ostetrica, tecniche della riabilitazione e della prevenzione,  anche  attraverso percorsi formativi complementari. Dall’attuazione del presente  comma non devono derivare nuovi o maggiori oneri  a  carico  della  finanza pubblica.

Proposta di Legge D’Incecco e altri: Provisions concerning the definition of the medical act and medical professional liability

Paragraph 566. IPASVI. Let's overcome corporatist barriers with constructive debate

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