The Italian language and the ISF

Risultati immagini per il primo vocabolario della lingua italianaLa Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (17 – 23 ottobre 2016) è l’evento di promozione dell’italiano come grande lingua di cultura classica e contemporanea, che la rete culturale e diplomatica della Farnesina organizza ogni anno, nella terza settimana di ottobre, intorno a un tema che serve da filo rosso per conferenze, mostre e spettacoli, incontri con scrittori e personalità.

On this occasion we receive and gladly publish


Mi piace osservare che il TG1 ed il TG5 abbiano ripreso l’argomento della difesa della lingua italiana aggredita da parole di difficile comprensione ed inutilità..soprattutto inglesi.

Tanto da chiamare in causa l’Accademia della Crusca per una sua difesa.

My observation is that Fedaiisf has already dealt with this topic for a very long time, anticipating the main newscasts by a few months.






Rome, April 5th 2014 Hon. Beatrice Lorenzin
Minister of Health

Dear Senator Emilia Grazia De Biasi
President of the Senate Health Commission

Egre. Dr. Massimo Scaccabarozzi
President Farmindustria

egr. Dr Enrique Hausermann
President of Assogenerici

Object: Pharmaceutical Representatives, neologisms and contracts.

For some time there has been a return to talk about the role of Pharmaceutical Representatives.
SIAR round table, Aboutpharma conference, Eyeforpharma report.
Tra l’altro, si legge che il mestiere (ISF) non si estingue, ma passerà un processo di evoluzione o addirittura trasformazione con
new and more articulated skills (?!) to meet the need to interact with stakeholders.

Charming words.
And the others that follow drivers, skills, public speaking, kam, ram, problem solving, share of voice are equally fascinating.
All fill their mouths with obscure neologisms, strategically written in a non-Italian language, so as to be less
understandable, such as to disorient, to make them appear credible and indisputable.
As a source of absolute truths.

A suspicion remains, which we keep inside because it's all ours, without uncertainties.
We are willing, as always, to accept all the innovations proposed and requested, with only one limitation: we are not
available, because it is not necessary, to review the contractual formulas.

These are defined, in fact, by a state law, as well as our role and our responsibilities: we are happy to
dialogue, interact, but not distort our work, which -commercial- must and cannot have anything.

Se i vari Squinzi volessero andare via dall’Italia saremmo dispiaciuti, ma non posso non rispondere come quaranta anni di
“apprendistato” nell’industria farmaceutica a tutti i livelli di responsabilità mi hanno insegnato: siamo tutti utili, nessuno è
For every entrepreneur who stops doing business, others will propose.

These innovations made of nothing have been talked about for a long time these days (SIAR, Aboutpharma and Eyeforpharma) with one
contemporaneity, that we would have to wonder how casual if we didn't know their seriousness and competence for which
we have always spent expressions of esteem

The means are the new neologisms, but the end is always the same: a music that we know well.
It's good to understand, once and for all.
Because the times of the barbarian invasions are over.

Fabio Carinci
FEDAIISF National President

Related news: Sedicesima settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo: L’italiano e la creatività: marchi e costumi, moda e design 17 – October 23, 2016

The "safeguarding of the Lombard language" in a regional law

The words of discrimination

Tutti pazzi per l’italiano, è quarta lingua più studiata

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