Novartis' pharma activities are divided into two: focus on oncology

Completata con successo l’integrazione del business oncologico di Gsk, la multinazionale ha annunciato la separazione delle attività in due business unit: Novartis Oncology e Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Il cambio sarà effettivo dal 1° luglio. L’attuale capo della divisione pharma, David Epstein, lascerà l’azienda

Of Redazione Aboutpharma Online – 18 maggio 2016

Novartis' pharmaceutical division splits in two. The Swiss multinational has announced that it will separate the pharma activities into two distinct business units: one specifically dedicated to products and gene therapies in the oncological field (Novartis Oncology) and the other (Novartis Pharmaceuticals) to the remaining products in the ophthalmological, immunological and dermatological fields , respiratory, cardio-metabolic, neuroscience and established brands.

The decision reflects the importance that the oncology business has for the company today, also following theSuccessfully completed acquisition of GlaxoSmithKline's oncology businesses.

The two business units will be part of the new Innovative Medicines division. The change will be effective from July 1st. The CEO and head of the current pharmaceutical division, David Epstein, has announced that he will leave the company to pursue "new opportunities in the United States". In his place Paul Hudson (current vice president of AstraZeneca's North American activities) will lead the Novartis Pharmaceuticals business unit while the current head of oncology activities of the Swiss company Bruno Strigini will be the new CEO of Novartis Oncology. Both will report directly to CEO Joseph Jimenez.

Related news: Novartis Splits Up Drug Unit as Top Executive Will Depart

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