Milan, Valeas workers in the square: "No to unfair collective dismissal" Editor's note

Uncertain future for the 150 VAT-registered whistleblowers

The employees of Valeas SpA, a historic chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1934, hanno manifestato davanti alla sede di Milano di Assolombarda. “Siamo in fase di licenziamento collettivo.

After being purchased in July 2022 by the company Neopharmed Gentili SpA, today 34 out of 81 workers risk their jobs [15 Area Manager], e tutto questo nonostante un fatturato in crescita. La mobilitazione è arrivata in seguito a quello che riteniamo un ingiusto comportamento nei confronti di una realtà come la nostra sana che nel corso degli anni ha perseguito utili crescenti a fronte del rispetto della dignità dei lavoratori”, hanno sottolineato i dipendenti.

“Diciamo no a questi licenziamenti e chiediamo all’azienda di ricollocare i lavoratori perché è possibile farlo, basta volerlo”, ha dichiarato Luigi La Delfa, delegato sindacale Cgil.

“Queste persone vengono mandate a casa per puro scopo speculativo. Questa non è imprenditoria, questo non è lavoro. Ma fondi di investimento che mandano in rovina aziende e lavoratori”, affermano ancora i dipendenti Valeas.

TGCOM24 – 20 ottobre 2022

Note: I “licenziati”, come specificato sopra, sono 34 dipendenti su 81, 12 Area Manager. Gli ISF sono 150 a falsa Partita IVA fintamente autonomi e come tali senza alcuna protezione previdenziale, a meno che non denuncino l’azienda per il falso sulle partite IVA in modo da ottenere la trasformazione del contratto autonomo a contratto subordinato, come è loro diritto.

Related news: Neopharmed Gentili acquires Valeas

The false VAT numbers

The employment relationship has the typical characteristics indicated in theart. 2094 of the Civil Code: the employee "undertakes himself through remuneration to collaborate in the company, providing his intellectual or manual work employed and under the direction of the entrepreneur".

The profession of Pharmaceutical Representative is regulated by Legislative Decree 219/06, in particular the art. 122 traces its requirements and activity. In paragraph 3 it says that "L’attività degli informatori scientifici è svolta sulla base di un rapporto di lavoro instaurato con un’unica impresa farmaceutica. Con decreto del Ministro della salute, su proposta dell’AIFA, possono essere previste, in ragione delle dimensioni e delle caratteristiche delle imprese, deroghe alle disposizioni previste dal precedente periodo”.

Although the agency contract is widespread, the ISF are not and cannot be commercial agents (see sentence of the Cassation n. 19394/2014), in the sense that they do not conclude, and cannot do so due to the laws in force, sales contracts.

L'art. 69-BIS of Legislative Decree no. 276/2003, unless proven otherwise by the client, establishes that the services provided by persons with a VAT number are reclassified as employment relationships (false VAT numbers) if At least two of the following conditions:

  1. The collaboration with the same client has a total duration of 8 months per year for 2 consecutive years (letter a - time criterion);
  2. The fee deriving from this collaboration, even if invoiced to several subjects attributable to the same center of attribution of interest, constitutes more than 80% of the total annual fees received by the collaborator over the course of 2 consecutive calendar years (letter b - turnover criterion);
  3. The collaborator has a fixed workstation at one of the client's offices (letter c - organizational criterion).

It is evident that the isf agent working for a single client (multi-mandates must be authorized by the Ministry of Health) and the consideration they receive comes from a single "customer" cannot by law be VAT numbers

If the aforementioned indexes exist and in the absence of proof to the contrary, the self-employment relationship with a VAT number must be reclassified into a permanent employment relationship, pursuant to articles 61 and 69 of Legislative Decree no. 276/2003.

Evidence of subordination can be provided by any means permitted in the process of work: from the testimonies of colleagues to chat on Whatsapp with the boss and superiors. To the obligation to submit reports on the activity carried out, presentation of work programs to the company, company provisions on work, etc. The important thing is that the continuity of the work performed emerges, the obligation to be present in the workplace, o availability, in the established time slots, stable and effective inclusion in the company organisation, full and constant submission of the subject to the employer's directives and a fixed, periodic and predetermined remuneration based essentially on the working hours performed.

The inspection bodies will also have to, during the requalification of the employment relationship, draw up the single assessment report to be sent to INPS and INAIL, for the recovery of contributions and bonuses and determine the administrative pecuniary sanctions for non-fulfilments.

Related news: False agent contract. …and false VAT numbers

False VAT numbers. Two emblematic sentences

Open letter from a reader. ISF false VAT numbers. Ed


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