Lazio region. ISF activity in person admitted by appointment


pursuant to art. 32, paragraph 3, of the law of 23 December 1978, n. 833 on hygiene and public health,

  1. Without prejudice to the social, economic, productive and institutional activities already authorized with previous provisions, the following additional activities are permitted:
    1. contact and team sports are permitted from the date of publication of this ordinance;
    2. the activities referred to in point a) are carried out in compliance with the Guidelines attached to this ordinance;
  2. The social, economic and institutional activities operate by adopting all the general safety measures relating to personal and environmental hygiene and physical distancing, as well as the following specific measures to protect and contain the contagion:
    1. measures defined, for each type of activity, in the Guidelines for reopening attached to this ordinance;
    2. misure contenute nel “Protocollo condiviso di regolamentazione delle misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus COVID-19 negli ambienti di lavoro” sottoscritto il 14 marzo 2020 fra il Governo e le parti sociali, successivamente integrati in data 24 aprile 2020.
    3. national sanitation guidelines.

This ordinance is published in the Official Bulletin of the Lazio Region and on the institutional website of the regional administration. The publication has the value of individual notification, for all legal purposes.

The effectiveness of this ordinance starts from the date of publication.

This ordinance, for compliance with the law, is transmitted to the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Health, the Minister for Economic Development and the Prefects with a request for transmission to the Mayors of the Municipalities of Lazio.




For all informants, the provisions/protocols of the structure/company where they go for their activity apply.

The professional informer will always have to provide for adequate hand hygiene and the use of airway protection mask.

Promote the exchange of air in the internal environments at the end of the meeting.

Remote activities and remote contacts must be privileged.

Any personal activity must always take place in advance pre-arranged appointment, identifying specific times to avoid, where possible, intersections with other users or patients even in waiting areas.

It must always be respected interpersonal distance between informant and healthcare professional.

Avoid the promiscuous use of objects in information activity.



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