Seminar promoted by Femca. The scientific informant and the impact of innovation

The changing work, Farmindustria-Femca Cisl: "Don't get overwhelmed by innovation"

I cambiamenti vanno saputi gestire, soprattutto nel campo delle professionalità dell’healthcare che stanno vivendo una vera e propria rivoluzione. Il tema è stato affrontato durante il seminario promosso dalla Femca Cisl nazionale “Il settore farmaceutico in Italia”

AboutPharma – 17 ottobre 2018

The changing work is one of the topics on the meeting tables between sector associations, trade unions and institutions. One of the areas that most affects the future of the healthcare and pharmaceutical professions is that of innovation, which is reshuffling the cards. Emerging, evolving, disappearing professions. But it all has to be managed. “The disruption brought about by technological changes will involve all processes, from research, to production, up to distribution and access to markets. We must therefore reflect on which regulatory models are the most suitable and not get overwhelmed by innovation”. To say it, Carlo Riccini of Farmindustria during the seminar promoted by the national Femca Cisl "The pharmaceutical sector in Italy", held on 16 October in Rome. Nora Garofalo, general secretary of Femca Cisl also endorses what Riccini declared. "To govern the change that is affecting the pharmaceutical industry, it is essential to open up paths for the active participation of workers, in particular on the decisive issue of training".

Aging professionals

The drivers of this innovation, Matteo Colombo of the Adapt study center later explained, must be accompanied by changes not only in organizational processes, but also in welfare and training systems. The growing aging of the population, and therefore of the workers, makes it necessary to have professional training which guarantees the employability of workers in this sector throughout their working life. Not by chance during the event it was also touched the Tris project of Farmindustria (Protection, redevelopment, innovation, solidarity) of which also the president Scaccabarozzi spoke recently.

The scientific informant

One of the professions that more than others is suffering the impact of innovation is that of the scientific informant. The ecosystem is changing and with it the relationship between industry and doctors. The repercussions on the professions are inevitable. During the event there was a lot of focus on scientific information, and its valorisation, through the analysis of the changes that are affecting it. "As Femca Cisl we want to play a leading role in supporting innovation, productivity and employability within the sector - said Nora Garofalo, at the conclusion of the seminar - starting from the need for more decisive shared actions with Farmindustria towards the government, in terms of health policies and governance of the sector on an industrial and social level, together with the relaunch of industrial relations as a lever for development".

A special focus on scientific information, and its valorisation, through the analysis of the changes that are involving the figure of the drug sales representative and the mapping of the new skills required, the necessary training, the evolution of control systems and of working hours. (Femca CISL)

Nota di chi c’era. Bianco nel suo intervento ha rimarcato che le difficoltà del nostro settore dipendono ancora oggi, per l’ISF, dall’errato inserimento della sua figura professionale nell’area funzionale non pertinente in relazione a quanto disposto dalle normative di legge contravvenendo alle stesse. Infatti le difficoltà che emergono in relazione alle problematiche occupazionali presentatesi in queste ultime ore, derivano sempre più da una spinta commerciale del settore.

Therefore, in my opinion, the brilliant intervention of the ADAPT researcher, Colombo, would have made sense if proposed to an audience of entrepreneurs to understand how they intend to exploit these new evolutions/innovations in the workplace and if, leveraging on innovation, they do not take advantage of the circumstance to streamline a sector that up to now has seen 13/15,000 fewer jobs since 2007 to date, producing further negative aspects on our work. It is therefore useless to talk about new training and new job opportunities if, to date, there is a lack of transparency in the behavior of companies which, undeterred, continue to do what they want. (AS)

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