Sicor-Teva Italy of Rho. “Let's have a coffee” and they fire her

Demonstration by colleagues in support of the worker left at home without warning. Its function has been outsourced

Rho (Milano), 3 novembre 2017 – Convocata dalla direzione aziendale per “bere un caffè insieme” e after a few minutes fired. “Mi hanno consegnato la lettera e I have been ushered out of the gates“. Cinquantuno anni, single mother with three children two of which are still minors, Anna Palmabella after 33 years and 8 months of work at Sicor-Teva Italia in Rho, a company in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, was fired without any notice and without any communication to the Rsu. Reason? His job of employee in the personnel office has been suppressed, or rather, outsourced.

The trade union organizations and the Rsu have called an 8-hour strike and Thursday morning they did a protest garrison in front of the gates of via Terrazzano.

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8-hour strikes in the Rho and Bulciago plants, 4-hour strikes in the Santhià plant, blockade of extraordinary services in Caronno. These are the initiatives that have affected the plants of the Israeli group Sicor Teva in the last few hours.


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