License suspension for driving with a mobile phone? A hoax, for now

L’ultima bufala sta colpendo le multe stradali: da ieri sui vari social network gira la notizia secondo cui dal primo maggio entrerebbe in vigore un fantomatico nuovo Codice della strada, che among other things, it would provide for the immediate withdrawal of the license for anyone caught driving with a mobile phone in hand. One might be led to believe so, because authoritative figures spoke of such a thing last week.

But of foundation, so far, there is nothing. Except that a novelty of this type could perhaps arrive in the summer, but certainly not in a new Highway Code (whose bill has been languishing in Parliament for almost four years): they could put it in a decree law, reviving tradition ( which had been somewhat lost in recent years) of the summer spot-provisions that work more in the media than on the street.

It starts fromalarm relaunched on the eve of the Easter exodus by the director of the traffic police, Giuseppe Bisogno: in recent years now the number one enemy of safety seems to be distraction and therefore it is necessary to combat the incorrect use of smartphones in the car. But weapons are few. Starting with penalties set in 1992 and doubled in 2003, when there was much less chatting.

It is also for this reason that today i 161 euro fine (reducible by 30%, at 112.70 euros, paying within five days) and five deduction points they are little scary: the suspension of the license (from one to three months, which then precludes the possibility of using the 30% discount) is foreseen only for those who repeat the infringement and only if they do so within two years.

( … continua su il Sole 24 ORE of Maurice Caprino)

Related news: New Highway Code, what's true in the message circulating on WhatsApp

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