Caserta hospital bribes, arrests. Obviously no ISF involved

Investigate 41 people including doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians

Carabinieri NAS – 25 luglio 2019

Yesterday the Carabinieri of the NAS of Caserta carried out a precautionary custody order, issued by the GIP of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office.

The provision involved 6 people, of whom: one in prison, two under house arrest, two reached by the disqualification measure of relations with the Public Administration, another, finally, by the obligation to report to the Judicial Police.

The six suspects receiving the precautionary measures are involved, in various capacities and with many other subjects deferred in a state of freedom, in a criminal association dedicated to the commission of various scams to the detriment of the National Health Service.

The crimes ascertained by NAS investigators, attributable to the period 2015-2017, are: aggravated criminal association aimed at committing embezzlement, corruption for acts contrary to official duties, ideological falsehood and aggravated fraud.

The complex investigative activity first focused on the head physician of a Clinical Pathology department of a Campania hospital. In fact, the man had met the needs of the private analysis laboratory owned by his wife through the public health facility where he worked. In fact, the suspect unduly misappropriated instrumental assets belonging to the public health facility (facilities, machinery, personnel and chemical reagents), allocating them to his wife's facility.

Both spouses were placed under house arrest for the crime of conspiracy and for various episodes of embezzlement.

The articulated investigation by the men of the NAS of Caserta, also carried out through telephone interceptions, searches, tailings and the acquisition of copious accounting / administrative documentation, brought to light:

The entire investigative compendium has therefore made it possible to bring to light the scandalous management of an entire hospital ward, enslaved to strictly personal and private purposes, now clearly pre-eminent with respect to institutional activity, relegated, unfortunately, to being carried out in spare time.

The technical appraisals carried out and the documentary checks carried out by the Carabinieri of the NAS made it possible to demonstrate that at least the 10% of the tests carried out during the investigations did not appear to be connected to any institutional activity, but were attributable to offences.

The tax damage estimated by default is 1,800,000 euros per year.

Agli arresti domiciliari sono finiti l’ex primario del reparto di Patologia clinica dell’azienda ospedaliera Sant’Anna e San Sebastiano di Caserta, Angelo Costanzo e sua moglie, Vincenza Scotti, esponente della Nuova Camorra Organizzata di Raffaele Cutolo, arrestato in Brasile dopo decenni di latitanza, il 26 maggio del 2015, ed estradato in Italia il 10 marzo del 2016. Sei le misure emesse in tutto mentre sono 41 gli indagati.  

A trusted collaborator of Costanzo also ended up in prison, Angelina Grillo, a laboratory technician, still in service, like almost all the other suspects, including some nurses accused of having appropriated medicines and doctors who allegedly asked Costanzo for tests without going through the Cup or the Unique Booking Center, preventing the health facility from collecting the ticket money. The investigations revealed that in the two-year period considered at least the 10% of the exams would have been illegal, not connected to any institutional activity, with tax damage estimated at 1.8 million euros.

Six measures issued in all, while 41 are under investigation, including the former Undersecretary of Health Domenico Zinzi, former deputy and president of the Province of Caserta, for the hypothesis of competition in embezzlement.

RAI News – 24 luglio 2019

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The fight against corruption and malfeasance in healthcare is my priority. We must forcefully face those who speculate on everyone's health!

La notizia di oggi è che ci sono 6 misure cautelari e 41 persone indagate a Caserta: facevano comprare all’ospedale macchinari e materiale medico solo per avere tangenti da una ditta dalla quale ottenevano persino vacanze gratis a Capri e a Ischia.

These disgusting practices must be tackled at their root. For this I want to thank the Carabinieri del Nas and the investigators for this operation!

There is no health without legality!

Giulia Grillo

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