Milan, 14 Sept. (AdnKronos) - The Guardia di Finanza of the provincial command of Milan is carrying out the order of precautionary measures issued by the investigating judge of Monza against 21 persons under investigation
The investigation, carried out by the Milan tax police unit and coordinated by the Monza prosecutor's office, made it possible to discover a system of corruption, conceived and implemented by representatives of a prosthesis manufacturing company, with the involvement of several orthopedic surgeons. , operating in private health facilities accredited with the national health system, present throughout the country, and general practitioners.
House searches are also being carried out.
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Arrests Prosthesis Doctors Monza | Which hospitals involved
Twenty-one people under investigation including representatives, general practitioners and surgeons, over twenty searches in progress and one hundred men from the Guardia di Finanza engaged in Monza, Milan, Lecco, Como, Bergamo, Varese, Turin, Bologna, Rimini and Salerno.
Altre nove persone, sei medici chirurghi e tre medici di base convenzionati con il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, sono state raggiunte dalla misura degli arresti domiciliari, altri sei medici di base risultano essere stati sospesi dall’attività e un agente di commercio intermediario della Ceraver è stato colpito dal provvedimento di obbligo di dimora nel comune di residenza.“ Grazie alle intercettazioni telefoniche, ambientali e a servizi di osservazione e pedinamento gli inquirenti sono riusciti a ricostruire l’attività indebita che coinvolgeva i rappresentanti, i medici chirurghi e i medici di base.
Among the surgeons arrested are two doctors working for the Monza Polyclinic and the Zucchi Clinic. The family doctors who placed their medical practices at the disposal of the orthopedic surgeons identified by the vendors for their own clinics, in addition to obtaining a fixed fee from the vendors of approximately 300 euros per month, obtained from the orthopedic surgeons a sum equal to approximately 20 percent of paid by the patient.