USA: infected medicinal meningitis cases rise to 205

The number of cases of meningitis caused by an infected drug continues to rise: 205 people infected in the United States, 15 of whom have died, according to the latest data provided by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In total, there are 14 American states in which cases of meningitis have occurred: Tennessee is particularly affected with 53 cases, followed by Michigan with 41 cases and Virginia with 34 cases. According to estimates by the Control Center there are 14,000 people who could potentially have been infected by this parasitic fungus [aspergillus] found in medicines, vials for epidural steroid injections, of the pharmaceutical company New England Compounding Center (NECC), which has recalled all its products from the market.

15 ottobre 2012 –


Ed.: Le „Compounding Pharmacies“ somo piccole aziende specializzate in prodotti galenici confezionati su misura, su prescrizione medica, per certi pazienti ( pazienti allergici a certi componenti). A differenza delle Aziende Farmaceutiche che producono farmaci per il mercato di massa, i prodotti delle Compounding non sono soggetti a controlli da parte della FDA prima dell’immissione in commercio. L’industria compounding negli Stati Uniti è diventata un business da 3 miliardi di euro e comprende 7.500 Phamacies. Alcune aziende di compounding però sono state costituite appositamente per aggirare le leggi federali ed i controlli dell’FDA. NECC è una di queste.


NECC, Company At Center Of Meningitis Outbreak, Facing State Investigations, Prison Possibilities


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