Vaccines. Identikit of the mother who does not vaccinate her children.

Well educated, she is over 30 and often works in healthcare. Survey in Veneto. In conversation with Dr. Valsecchi who in 2012 oversaw theInvestigation on the factors that determine the non-vaccination. Among the parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are mainly mothers over the age of 30, with a university degree and sometimes employed in the health sector. Here are the positions of Codacons and the institutions. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità strongly emphasizes the importance of vaccination on schedule.

11 OCT – Le Coperture vaccinali nazionali contro la poliomielite, il tetano, la difterite e l’epatite B scendono al di sotto del 95%, la soglia minima prevista dal Piano Nazionale prevenzione vaccinale 2012-2014.

Faced with the decline in vaccination, which in some cases had already started in recent years, a scientific analysis carried out in 2012 by the Veneto Region investigated the reasons behind the non-vaccination. The Report, entitled "Survey on the Determinants of Vaccination Offer Refusal in the Veneto Region”, carried out a detailed 'photograph', at a regional level, of the main population groups that fall within the percentages of those who do not adhere to vaccination.

Health Report 2014 (carried out by the Department of Prevention of ULSS n. 20 of Verona)

(… continue on – 11/10/2015)

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Ed.: Out of about 40,000 sick children, the Italian measles epidemic of 2002 caused more than 600 hospital admissions, 15 encephalitis and 6 deaths. Until 1980, when measles vaccination became widespread, the disease is estimated to have killed an average of 2.5 million children each year. The World Health Organization calculates that measles killed around 122,000 people worldwide in 2012 alone, mostly children under 5, compared to about 630,000 deaths of 1990. The growing diffusion of vaccination in the world has allowed in a very few years the reduction of infant mortality linked to the 78% measles.

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