The assembly of the association unanimously elected him to the Presidency of Farmindustria for the second term (2013-2015). Scaccabarozzi, Milanese, 53 years old, married, two children, graduated in Pharmacy, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Janssen-Cilag.
02 JUL – Massimo Scaccabarozzi confirmed at the helm of Farmindustria also for the three-year period 2013-2015. President of Farmindustria since June 2011 and member of the Board of Confindustria, he has held various positions in the world of associations including that of President of IAPG (Italian American Pharmaceutical Group), a group of Italian companies with American capital, a member of Farmindustria.
The Assembly also elected the Presidential Committee composed of five Vice-Presidents:
– Lucia Aleotti (Menarini)
– Maurice de Cicco (Roche)
– Francesco De Santis (Italfarmaco)
– Daniel Lapeyre (Sanofi)
– Emile Stefanelli (Savio National Biochemical Institute)
The Presidential Committee also includes:
– Pierluigi Antonelli (MSD Italy)
– Nicholas Braggio (Astrazeneca)
– Alberto Chiesi (Chiesi Pharmaceuticals)
– Daniel Finocchiaro (GlaxoSmithKline)
– Andrea Montevecchi (Sigma-Tau)
– George Rende (ICI Rende)
The programmatic lines of the new team for the two-year period 2013-2015 will be illustrated during the Farmindustria public assembly, which will take place in Rome on Wednesday 3 July, starting at 10.00, at the Capranica Theater (Piazza Capranica, 101).
02 July 2013 – Dailyhealthcare.it