1,100 doctors and dentists suspended. Awaited the DPCM for CCEPS renewal
There are currently 1,100 doctors and dentists suspended pursuant to DL 44 for not having yet been vaccinated. This was communicated by the FNOMCeO, the national federation of medical orders, which today received a large sum update by the territorial Orders. In all, there have been 1,390 suspensions so far, of which 290, more than 20%, revoked because the doctors got vaccinated.
To date, 79 out of 106 provincial Orders have transmitted the data to the FNOMCeO. Philip Rings -. Many are then regularizing their position. We thank the Ministry of Health which clarified the methods of application of DL 44 and the role of the Orders. We appreciate the work of the local health authorities who have added the task of communicating the measures to ordinary activities".
In the meantime, expectations are growing for the DPCM to renew Cceps, the Central Commission for health professions which decides on appeals against disciplinary measures. Since the appeal suspends the application of the sanction, there are about 500 doctors 'awaiting final judgment' who, even if suspended or disbarred from their Order, can continue to practice. Among them, even some well-known health workers in no-vax circles.
“The doctors who make propaganda against vaccines are very few, about a hundred – continues Anelli -. Our course of study, the history of medicine, the evidence that is continually collected lead us naturally to trust in vaccines and to pass it on to the population".
This is precisely the meaning of the new FNOMCeO campaign "The vaccine saves our lives", presented yesterday at the headquarters of the National Council of the Order of Journalists in the presence of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. Building on the success of the smallpox and diphtheria vaccination campaigns, the campaign aims to consolidate confidence in vaccinations as the key to defeating infectious diseases. And to give a 'gentle push' to those hesitating to get vaccinated against Covid.
FNOMCeO Press and Information Office
Related news: Legislative Decree 44/2021 – COVID Decree April 2021
Four weeks ago: There are 644 unvaccinated doctors currently suspended from the registers of Italian Orders