Non-branded drugs, the ASL saves money
In the first half of 2006, and over 4 million in the first half of this year, the savings that the ASL made on pharmaceutical expenditure relating to proton pump inhibitors, gastroprotectors, one of the categories of drugs for which the prescription of so-called equivalents instead of "designer" drugs, was over 7 million euros in the first half of 2006. In fact, with equal efficacy, it is possible to save money and the choice between one drug and the other is only of an economic nature. “Use your medications well. Equivalent medicines, an advantage for all» was the theme of one of the 25 stages of a national initiative last night in Taranto (yesterday at the same time also in Rieti) organized by CittadinanzAttiva, through the network of the Tribunal for Patients' Rights, as part of the campaign promoted by Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency) on the use of generic medicines and on the correct use of medicines in general. The objective is to form a national network of "proximity informers". That is to say specially informed and trained citizens. To illustrate the AIFA initiative, Sabrina Nardi, national manager of the equivalent drug campaign. Instead, it was a Silvana Stanzione, regional coordinator of the Tribunal for Patients' Rights, e Marina Venice, CittadinanzAttiva manager, pose the problems perceived by the citizen, who is often disoriented in the choice to make and "tossed around" between the possible indication of the specialist doctor, the prescription of the family doctor and the (compulsory) proposal of the pharmacist for a drug with the same molecule, but with a 20% lower cost, up to 50%. Which one to choose? Meanwhile, to specify the usefulness of the drug not only for curative, but also preventive purposes, are the doctors, Ignatius April (Italian federation of general practitioners) e Vincent DiMaio (Order of doctors). The significant datum is that Italy's second place in the world for longevity. Safe drugs, too. The control system in Italy is strict, certainly an extra workload for doctors and pharmacists who have to report the purchase and sale of each drug (for so-called traceability), but it is a guarantee for everyone. It is the pharmacists themselves who warn against the purchase of medicines outside the pharmacy channel (especially the Internet), Rossano Brescia (Federfarma) e Francis Settembrini (Order of Pharmacists). Therefore, they explain what are the characteristics of the generic or equivalent drug, now without the patent of the parent company and which can be produced by other pharmaceutical companies using the same molecule. After a long period in which patents had a duration of several decades, today patents have a duration of twenty years. Furthermore, a series of patents, including for well-known drugs, are about to expire. This should translate into further savings in pharmaceutical spending in the coming months. Use and consumption, everything under control. To explain the mechanism are the doctor Cataldi and the doctor DeVito of the Commission for the prescriptive appropriateness of the ASL. Which also explain the usefulness of reporting any adverse drug reactions. Puglia is, however, in last place for the number of reports. [MRG] The Gazzetta Del Mezzogiorno of 11/22/2007 ed. Taranto p. 141
We thank the colleagues of the Taranto Section for the report