Historical Archive

Homeopathy again! How is it possible?

Of Andrea Bellelli | 6 September 2013   Il Fatto Quotidiano

The Quotidiano Sanità, a specialized news broadcast on the web, reported that they are lying in the Senate five bills to regulate alternative medicines; should be discussed by the Hygiene and Health Commission in the current month of September. Three of the five concern thehomeopathy, the other two traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture; the texts can be read via the links to the cited article. [ Senate. A new law for "alternative medicines". We'll talk about it in September: http://www.quotidianosanita.it/governo-e-parlamento/articolo.php?articolo_id=16442 ]

The five bills share some salient points: the defense of the right to patient choice and the proposal to establish in the Orders of Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists professional registers qualified to practice the disciplines of homeopathy or Chinese medicine or acupuncture. In fact, the aim is to equate these forms of medicine with specialties and to provide status to the schools that teach them (which are currently private and lack any real title).

L'homeopathy is a discipline created in the late 1700s by Samuel Hahnemann, on the basis of the medico-biological hypotheses de

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