
Big Pharma: destroy those drugs, so we raise the prices

Aspen Pharmacare accused of cutting supplies of anti-cancer medicines to drive up costs. Bred in the UK of 1100%

April 14, 2017 – Health of ENRICO FRANCESCHINI

Big Pharma: distruggete quei farmaci, così aumentiamo i prezziLONDON – Another Big Pharma scandal turns up. And this time, Italy is among its victims. Under indictment is Aspen Pharmacare, a South African pharmaceutical company which has its European headquarters in Dublin. Between 2012 and 2014, according to revelations from the Times of London, the company discussed destroying supplies of medicines that can save the lives of patients with leukemia and other forms of blood cancer, with the aim of imposing increases of up to 4,000 percent of product prices to its customers, including Italian, Spanish, British and other countries' public health.

(… continue on Health of 04/14/2017)

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