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Big Pharma, a study shows: "No difference between Avastin and Lucentis"


by ROSARIO DI RAIMONDO 05 May 2014 R.it Bologna

"There is no difference between the two drugs Avastin and Lucentis regarding the safety of their use by patients with retinal maculopathy." This is what the Emilia-Romagna Region affirms, based on a study entrusted to Cochrane, the most authoritative independent international non-profit organization in this health sector. Precisely for these two drugs, the two manufacturing companies – Roche and Novartis – have been fined by the Antitrust for 180 million euros, accused of forming a cartel to impose the most expensive one on the market, Lucentis, which costs between 1,000 and 1,100 euros compared to 16-20 for the former.
"All the studies considered directly compared the two drugs: thus a scientifically rigorous and complete picture emerged on the safety levels of the two medicines. There are no differences between the adverse reactions, therefore on the quality and safety levels of the two products, for the patients treated with Avastin or Lucentis,” the study continues.
According to an estimate by the Region, every million euros spent each year on the most expensive drug corresponds "to about 12 doctors, or 28 nurses, 34 auxiliaries, 44 thousand specialist visits". Emilia-Romagna itself has played a fundamental role in this war against Big Pharma, as regional health councilor Carlo Lusenti, general manager Tiziano Carradori and various experts from Viale Aldo Moro explained today at a press conference.
As early as 2009, in fact, Avastin, that is the cheapest medicine, "not authorized by AIFA but with proven efficacy" had been authorized in hospitals in Emilia. A judicial war ensued between the Region and Novartis, with the pharmaceutical company challenging the decision of the Health Department. Tomorrow, 6 May, a decision by the Constitutional Court is expected, the outcome of which could definitively prove Emilia-Romagna right.

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