Historical Archive

Board of Arbitrators press release

 Statutory procedures in preparation for the National Council of 14 and 15 April 2007

1) The Sections participate in the 2007 National Council with their President. If he is unable, he may be replaced by a member of the Sectional Executive, appointed by him;

2) The Sectional Presidents (or substitutes) must have been elected after 31/03/2004 (valid for Mod. AB at the National Secretariat);

3) The Sectional Presidents (or substitutes) must be registered (at the National Secretariat) for the current year;

4) The Section must have registered (at the National Secretariat) at least 25 members for the current year;

5) It is deemed necessary that the Sectional Presidents inform any candidates for national offices that:

    to)   they must be (at the National Secretariat) enrolled in the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 (in addition to having the other requisites required by the Statute);

    b)   must send their application(s) in writing directly to the National Secretariat by and no later than 13 March next;

    c)   nominations in the National Council may be admitted only if no written nominations have been received, or if these are fewer than the places available in the Body in which the candidate is applying.

These candidatures will be admitted after verification (at the National Council) by the National Secretariat of the requirements referred to in point "a" above.

                Fernando Lentini
        National Board of Arbitrators

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