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Congresses and tourism against generic medicines. What does that have to do with anything? Follow the money trail

ROME – Neglected by the majority, picked up only by Mentana's news, at more or less than five o'clock one evening the dry and indignant, furious and sorrowful declaration of Paolo Zona arrives via the press agency. And who is Paolo Zona? He is the president of Federcongressi ed Eventi, an organization that its leader and manager lines up at more or less five o'clock on a summer evening in a strenuous, convinced and pugnacious defense of the… “designer” drug, yes, in short, of branded medicine. Federcongressi, without forgetting Events, against "generic" drugs and in defense and praise of branded drugs, in short, branded drugs. Have they all fallen ill at Federcongressi and Eventi, is there an epidemic among hoteliers and congress organizers such as to induce their "union", their trade organization to deal personally and with great anguish with the medicines in the pharmacy? What does Federcongressi and Events have to do with how medicines are sold and how much they cost? It has to do with it, it has to do with it and to understand how to follow the trail…of the money.

The official text released by Paolo Zona through the Ansa agency explains very clearly, voluntarily and involuntarily, what it is about: "We are at the dramatic and the grotesque ... the coup de grace is inflicted on the scientific medical congress sector resource for benefit…”. And here comes the coup de theater, the revelation: Paolo Zona does not put the ellipsis, he proceeds in one go: "for the benefit of tourism". How about “tourism”? One thinks that medical scientific congresses benefit research, health, the dissemination of practices and experiences, the dissemination and sharing of techniques and technologies... If you think so, you are obviously wrong. Federcongressi ed Eventi explains and denounces: “It's congress tourism and they want to kill it”. Paolo Zona concludes: “If you want to kill tourism with this spending review…”. Which spending review? The one on drugs that crushes congresses and therefore tourism.

The money trail led us to the turn, it puts us on the main road. If the government helps the sale of "generic" drugs, then fewer "brand name" drugs are sold. If fewer branded drugs are sold, those that citizens pay for the most part in cash in pharmacies, the "brands", ie pharmaceutical companies, lose interest in advertising and "launching" these products provided with a recognizable, and prescribable, brand. So far ... so how do we get to tourism and congresses? It comes because the pharmaceutical industries that lose interest in the launch of the product no longer invite doctors to… congress or tourism, you decide. Be that as it may, we learn from the genuine voice of Paolo Zona, whose organization that tour of congresses organizes and legitimately lives there, which are "congress tourism". Conventions in which the product is launched and not symposiums in which studies and research are exchanged.

The money trail tells us that resistance to "generic" drugs is a question of money, legitimate money, and not at all about health, invented health. Those many doctors who coined the very subtle difference in the newspapers eg

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