Step from Emilia Romagna towards the dematerialized recipe. In Reggio and Parma (but not only) many doctors already send prescriptions to the regional reception system, and patients find them in the pharmacy. On 1 July, an agreement was signed to "dematerialize" the prescriptions for drugs (Dema) between the region and the SMI, Fimmg and trade unions; Snami did not sign. This is the start of a process that will culminate by 2015 when it will be possible for GPs to prescribe exams and specialist visits online. «Gradually, patients will no longer be issued with the most expensive red prescription but with a printed reminder in A4 format, unlike other realities such as Veneto where the red prescription continues to be used (or Trentino where the dematerialization is complete, ed.) . The Region – he explains Alessandro Chiari, secretary of the Italian Medici Union-Smi Emilia - had asked the Ministry of Health for an extension but it was not possible. A progressive departure was then decided: the local health authorities in whose territories connectivity is good will leave before the others. In these realities, the patient will go to the pharmacy with the code of his prescription given by the doctor plus his tax code shown on the card. In the first phase, the printing of the recipe in A4 will serve as additional security».
For now, the prescription remains "red" due to the demanding examinations and visits, and for the drugs distributed on behalf, narcotics and psychotropic substances. No fees are foreseen for Emilian doctors but, in addition to memo paper, the region will provide new computers capable of supporting programs such as Windows 7 to those who are "stuck" to Windows XP. If the connectivity fails, and it is not possible to send, the programs will go into a compatible mode and the old red recipe can be printed without interrupting the work. The region speaks of low average printing times, other unions do not. «Smi is confident in the rapid introduction of a single regional management program for primary care as there is already for continuity of care, which can solve many problems containing specifications suitable for the Progetto Sole computerization of Emilian healthcare», says Chiari who is also part of the ad hoc regional commission to address the specifications of the programmes. «At the same time, the electronic health record is being tested, which every citizen can activate by following the instructions on the Ausl portals. Up to now 60,000 would have done so, and within the ESF, groups of doctors are already experimenting with the compilation of patient summaries of their clients».
Mauro Miserendino