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Even private clinics are protesting against the downsizing of resources envisaged by the spending review. In the province of Bergamo there are five structures that have appealed to the Tar against the cuts decided by the Lombardy Region last August. As Corriere della Sera recalls, the appeal requests the annulment of some parts of the regional provision which exclusively affect the private sector and, consequently, of the application documents arranged by the ASL. In particular, the private clinics belonging to the Italian private hospital association (Aiop) mobilized: Habilita, the Bergamo hospitals, the Castelli clinic in Bergamo, the Quarenghi nursing home in San Pellegrino Terme and the Humanitas Gavazzeni clinics in Bergamo . The reduction for outpatient and hospitalization activities envisaged by the regional council was 1.5% and resulted in a cut of millions of euros to private clinics operating in the Bergamo health sector. The need to apply the rules has led the ASL to reduce private healthcare budgets, modifying existing contracts for 2012. Francesco Galli, director general of the hospitals in Bergamo and provincial president of Aiop knows well that the problem is not limited to the province of Bergamo: «the argument also applies to the rest of the regional territory, in our opinion the spending review imposed by the government measures, which provided for cuts of 0.5%. A reduction of 1.5% was imposed on us, to obtain an overall saving on a regional basis of approximately 20 million euro». Are services and jobs at risk? "For the moment - says Galli - we are trying to rationalize". Meanwhile, in Lazio, the Tar rejected the requests of Aiop and 29 health facilities to suspend the decree of Commissioner Enrico Bondi on the subject of spending review. This confirms the retroactive cut of the 7% on the 2012 budget of accredited private healthcare facilities in the Region.

January 18, 2013 – DoctorNews33

The Tar confirms the ax on private clinics

18/01/2013 The Republic – ANNA RITA CILLIS

The judgment Aiop's request to suspend the Bondi decree was rejected


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