THE funds pensions collapse but still resist, in the meantime the severance pay wins big, registering a +2.6% since January, while in the first nine months of 2011 the funds closed pensions, corporate or category, lost 2.2%.
A negative result, that of social security complementary, due to the strong jolts suffered by btp: the one expiring on 1 February 2020 saw its quotations drop from 100.4 to 91.07.
Funds also lag significantly in the medium term. Between 1 January 2000 and 30 September last, in fact, all the three major ones existing at the beginning of this period were beaten by the 38.4% of the severance pay: from the 33.5% of Cometa (metalworking and goldsmith industry), to the 31% of Fondenergia (energy and oil) and to the 28.8% of Fonchim (chemistry and pharmaceuticals).
The worst result is the 8.2% of the Fopen share (employees of the Enel group) and "After what happened on the markets, I would have expected even greater declines", said the president of Covip Antonio Finocchiaro. Due to these 'slips', subscriptions to supplementary pensions are practically at a standstill and