Historical Archive

Idi, searched the home and offices of the administrator Father Franco

ROME - The men of the Guardia di Finanza arrived yesterday morning with a warrant from the prosecutor's office and searched the offices and homes of Father Franco Decaminada [in the picture], the administrator of the group which includes the Istituto dermopatico dell'Immacolata, San Carlo di Nancy, and the pharmaceutical company of the same name based in Pomezia. A decision that started from Piazzale Clodio after the owner of one of the most important hospital groups in the capital, declared to the deputy prosecutor Nello Rossi and his substitute Michele Nardi: «It is true that we usually withdraw from the IDI coffers, but we can. The structure is also available to us for personal expenses». All this while the employees are on strike and the hospital is in enormous financial difficulty, giving us a glimpse of a new San Raffaele scandal.
Decaminada's position, therefore, worsens and there is already talk of the crime of embezzlement for around 800 thousand euros. It was a practice to withdraw freely from the hospital coffers and this was also confirmed to the prosecutors by Father Aleandro Paritanti, still in office leader of the Congregation of the children of the Immaculate Conception, while Decaminada left in January when the company seemed close to collapse. Precisely in these days of crows and revealed secrets, the financial management of the group is part of the malaise afflicting the Vatican: between the IOR and the San Raffaele. And although the public prosecutor's office has always maintained due caution, since the Idi being a non-profit organization is not obliged to make a real balance sheet or publish the reports, the decision to trigger the search and to hypothesize the crime of embezzlement, hints that much more is about to come out.

The investigation was triggered by an anonymous complaint in which a shortfall of about 600 million from the hospital coffers was reported, while the 1,500 employees of the Institute had repeatedly protested over late salaries. For the investigators of the yellow flames, the immediate suspicion was that the many withdrawals made could represent a real distraction from the budget of a company already in crisis. Also because the top management claimed they could not pay the employees due to the non-accreditation of regional funding. At this point the prosecutor started looking at the group's accounts: from the distractions of the friars themselves, who allegedly withdrew money from the coffers also for personal expenses, to the gold fees, paid to consultants and professionals, in addition to the credits of the employees towards the institution, debts with INPS and exposures with banks. A long list of suspicious situations.
The statements that Aleandro Paritanti had made on the Rai 3 Report broadcast had not dispelled the doubts of the magistrates. On the contrary. To the journalist who asked for confirmation on the uncontrolled withdrawals from the hospital coffers (up to 200,000 euros a week), the religious replied: «I do this too. When we need cash, we withdraw cash». Father Paritanti then explained that the institution, subsidized by the Region, has a budget, but cannot be consulted, because the institute is a non-profit. The work entrusted to Angelo Proietti's Edilars could also end up being examined by the investigators, the builder involved in the investigation into the affairs of Marco Milanese, the former right-hand man of Tremonti overwhelmed by

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